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She prepared herself for this moment a million times in her head, but the real thing was always different then how you imagined it. A small tug at her jacket shook her out of the trance.

"Ms. Willow!" Azalea squealed. "Odell is here! He's here!" Willow took a deep breath and turned around. The sight of him stalled any words that wanted to come out. He carefully grabbed the little boy from his shoulders and set him on the ground.

"Hey," Odell slightly waved. He smirked when he realized she was in still in shock. "Ms. Wilson? Are you there?" Willow felt another tug and blinked a couple times.

"Willow. You can call me Willow." She mustered out. Odell grinned and Willow couldn't help to blush. Azalea startled the moment by running and jumping into his arms. Odell caught her in time and picked her up.
"Odell Odell Odell!" She squeezed his neck. "You don't know how much I've missed you!" Willow's heart warmed at the sight. Suddenly the happy expression from Azalea turned angry as she tried wiggling out of his arms.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Odell, you were the one who made Ms. Willow cry weren't you?!" She pointed her finger at him. He was shocked for moment, surprised that she remembered it. Willow widened her eyes and bent down to Azalea's level.

"Hey hey, its okay Lea. I've forgiven him for it alright?" She pleaded, trying to convince the 5 year old. Azalea squinted at Odell and walked back over to him with her hand out.

"I guess since Ms. Willow forgave you, I'll forgive you." Odell smiled and shook her hand. "But you'll have to carry me now." She added. He dropped his head, chuckling at the sassiness in front of him.

"Alright then, deal." Azalea was swooped up back in her previous position and began talking his head off. Soon, a curly headed boy soon waddled himself over to Willow and she squatted down to his level.

"Hey there little one," Willow cooed. "Who is that?" She pointed to Odell. Sonny looked at him and started giggling.

"Brudda!" He yelled. Willow gasped and clapped her hands. She tickled him and his laughter was so contagious she started laughing herself. Sonny raised his arms, wanting to be picked up. Once he was situated on her hip, Willow gravitated her attention back on the other two. Azalea was talking his head off, discussing the latest barbie doll that had came out.

"The new Barbie doll finally has long curly hair like me!" Odell raised his eyebrows. "And like Ms. Willow!" He turned to look at her and noticed Sonny in her arms.

"Yeah, she sure does." He let his eyes linger on her facial features and smiled a little. "Hey Z, do you know what those dolls look like?" Odell asked Azalea. She piped up and he could see a twinkle in her eye.

"Ooh! Of course Dell! They have the prettiest faces and uh, the prettiest makeup I think." She squealed. Willow chuckled and switched Sonny to her other hip.

"Like Ms. Willow right?" Odell pointed out. Azalea gasped and immediately nodded.

"Yeah! Just like her! Doesn't she look the prettiest Odell?!" Willow blushed and looked away. Odell smirked and walked closer to her.

"Oh, yes indeed Z. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen." He admitted. Her facial muscles were on fire from all the smiling she was doing.

"Azalea?" Willow squeaked out. She popped her head at her. "Do you still want to finish the tour?" She asked. Willow genuinely wanted to see the rest of the animals and hoped she did too.

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