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After meeting all the kids and holding conversations with them, the kids went back to their respectable parents and everybody else started going home. Most of the football players went home by now, or either stayed behind to help clean up. Willow was still holding conversation with Odell, not caring about the time. She was really enjoy his company and honestly didn't want to go back to the hotel yet.

"I know your beautiful self has a boyfriend, right?" Odell questioned. Willow's breath got caught in her throat and looked away.

"Um, no." She nervously chuckled. "I ain't that beautiful. Haven't found that person yet." Odell frowned.

"You're telling me that no one has cuffed you yet? Wow, that's crazy." Slowly, Willow's insecurities started to creep up on her, drastically changing her mood. It was already sad at the fact her parents scolded her a lot for not having a boyfriend and it was even worse when people pointed it out.

"Um," She cleared her throat. "No-I-um, guess no one has that much interest in me." Willow tried to brush it off, but something deep inside her gave her a bad feeling of how this night might end. Odell sensed her tone as if she was uncomfortable and instantly changed the subject.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Odell asked. Willow went over the options in her head of what to do in New Jersey.

"Um, not anything that I can think of. How do I know you're not trying to kidnap me?" Willow joked and Odell chuckled.

"Willow, I'm not gonna kidnap you." Willow crossed her legs in her seat and propped her hands up on the table to hold her chin.

"Well, what do you have in mind Mr. Beckham?" Odell's lower region stirred at the way she said his last name.

"I want you to come to my game tomorrow." Willow's eyes lit up at the fact of going to see Odell Beckham Jr. play in person. She always watched him on tv, but never in real life.

"I might take upon your offer, Odell." He smiled and jumped out of his chair.

"Yes!" Willow blushed and giggled at Odell's excitement.

"Was it that serious?" Odell finally calmed down and returned back in his chair.

"Oh yeah. I was afraid that you had something else to do." Willow shook her head at the thought of her boring life.

"Nah, I ain't all that exciting." Odell furrowed his brows at her comment about herself. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Well, you're exciting and beautiful to me." Willow blushed and looked away from his hard stare.

"Willow," Odell called out. "Look at me." His deep, husky voice vibrated against Willow's body. Odell tugged at her hand because she still wouldn't look at him. Willow took a deep breath and landed her eyes on Odell. Her stomach began to twist and turn at the dark brown orbs that observed her. She couldn't help but to feel as if something bad was gonna happen that would ruin her chances with him.

Take deep breaths O, don't overreact and calm down, Willow's mind tried to soothe her, but it wasn't working for her breathing was becoming shorter by the second.

"Willow, I think you are a jaw dropping woman and you've made my night exciting so far." Odell kept eye contact with Willow while complimenting her.

Willow, please honey, just breathe okay? All he did was just compliment you. It's okay, but breath and say something, Willow sat still, silenced because nothing would come out. She tried to read his eyes, hoping what he said wasn't sincere.

Maybe he was just being nice to your stupid ass because you won't say anything.

Or he could be interested in you and was being a gentleman.

Yeah right, you know what your parents used to tell you. You'll never be pretty enough to get someone. You are ugly Willow. You will never be gorgeous as the other girls. Just accept your terrible looking self.

Willow's conscious was battling between the hopeful and the reality. She really tried to listen to the hopeful, but her parents' words resurfaced inside her thoughts.

"Willow, are you okay?" Odell asked, becoming concerned in her sudden quietness. She opened her mouth, but still, nothing came out. Willow could feel her throat closing and knew what this was leading to. She looked around for anything that could calm her down, but sadly all she heard was her dad constantly screaming at her.

"Willow," Odell moved his chair out of the way, interlocked both of his hands with hers, and got on his knees before her. "Baby, I need you breathe okay?" Willow looked at Odell, but her heart only started racing even faster. Odell could feel the sweat that formed in her palms. He frantically darted his eyes around at someone who would be able to help. It seemed as everyone had left and it was only them two left in the room. The walls instantly began to close in and Willow fell to the floor, still gasping for air.

"Willow, baby please," Odell grabbed her body and pulled her close to him. He looked deeply into her eyes, searching for what could be wrong with her.

"What is it? Willow, please breathe for me. Please?" Odell begged, but it wasn't helping Willow's body, which was convulsing beneath him. Willow's breathing was shortening and shortening by each breath she tried to take. She heard Odell's voice, but couldn't resonate what he was saying. Odell's hold on her was gently tightening, trying to soothe away whatever that was going on. Willow could feel herself going in and out of conscious, and through hooded eyes, stared at Odell for however long she could stay awake.

"No. No, Willow. Baby, wake up. Please, wake up Willow? Don't you die on me," Odell slightly shook her, trying to prevent her from closing her eyes.

Just accept it Willow! Her dad yelled over and over at her.

You are a ugly whore. Get over yourself girl, Her mother spat.

You'll never be pretty enough.

 Those five words echoed for the longest throughout her head until she couldn't take it anymore. Odell watched in horror as Willow's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

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