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2 Weeks Later.

Willow swiftly shut down her computer while grabbing her belongings. She slung her Michael Kors purse over her shoulder and headed out the building.

"Hey Will!" She heard Candace call from behind her. Willow turned around, dropping her phone. Candace picked it up and handed it to her.

"Thanks." Candace nodded her head. "So what's up?" Willow slid the device into her coat pocket, shifting to her left leg.

"Well, we haven't hung out in a while so I wanted to catch up. We could get some food somewhere this Friday?" Willow considered the idea because since she's been back, she has gone unnoticed lately. She hasn't completely ignored everyone, but she has stayed a bit to herself. Willow smiled and wiped a curl from her face.

"Of course C, we can catch up this Friday. A lot has happened." Candace gave her a look and she laughed out loud.

"Yeah, you right about that O. I didn't want to hold you up, I just wanted us to reconnect. Its good having you back because them other hoes are working on my last nerve." Willow chuckled and waved Candace goodbye. She checked her watch, seeing that if she didn't leave now, she would be late for her appointment today.

"Oh shit," Willow mumbled to herself as she dashed quickly to her car. After pulling out her job's garage, she was cruising down the highway. Her music was cut shortly when she saw that Zoya was calling. Touching the green button on the touch-interface screen in the car, Zoya's voice sounded throughout the speakers.

"Hey Willie!" Willow grinned to herself as she switched to a left lane on the highway.

"Hi there Zo! You sound very happy today, is there something I should know?" Zoya chuckled on the other end.

"Well, my best friend is blossoming before my very own eyes. And I'm really proud of her." Willow felt her eyes water up and quickly blinked the tears away.

"Whew, I'm almost cried just then." Zoya laughed while Willow pulled into a parking lot and found a spot.

"Oops, my bad. Anyways you are going to your session today right?" She switched to handset mode and turned the car off.

"I'm at the building as we speak." Willow fixed any flying curls in her rearview mirror.

"I was just making sure Will. Remember, she's there to help you, not hurt you." She pressed her lips together and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"I know, I know Zo. I'm actually a few minutes late so I gotta go. Love you Zo." Zoya expressed her goodbyes and Willow walked up to building.

Here goes nothing.


The woman briefly looked up from her writing to see a trembling Willow on the couch.

"Miss Wilson, you don't have to be nervous. I understand that this is your very first time having therapy, but I assure you that I'm here to help you." Mrs. Emilia Roark was a beautiful African American woman to be 49 years old. Her face cascaded wrinkles here and there, but her aura radiated wisdom and comfort. Willow rose her eyes to the woman and took deep breaths.

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