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Willow was currently swinging on the swings with Azalea, experiencing being a kid again. Laughter and giggles filled the moment each time they swung into the air. In elementary, Willow would also swing on the swings, feeling the breeze blow in her face every time she flew into the air. She truly felt like a kid again, all her problems were washed away and she was free. For now.

"Miss Willow! Miss Willow! Odell is here!" Her eyes shot open and darted them at the blonde curled beast that all the children crowded around. She slowed down her swinging and let out a breath.

"Can I see him please? Please Miss Willow?!" Azalea begged. Willow wouldn't keep her away from him because of the chemistry they shared at the event before. It was something beautiful about the way they talked, and how they just joked about the most random things. Willow sadly smiled and nodded.

"Yes Azalea, you can go see him." Azalea quickly hugged her and dashed off to the crowded circle where Odell was. Willow sighed and slowly began swinging again at a pace. Odell's frozen face appeared in her mind, causing humiliation to wash over her body.

Why did I fall for him again? Willow furrowed her brows and bit her lip.

God Will, you're really stupid for that one, Still swinging, she could feel her palms starting to sweat and immediately rubbed them on the sides of her thighs. Willow sighed and closed her eyes.

Will, did you really like the dude? She frowned when she asked herself that.

Well I mean, he was my crush. A very fine crush at that, Odell here and there would peek up and watch Willow swinging, figuring out a way to approach her.

But do you even know if he liked you like that? Willow arched her left brow, almost seeming as if she was mad.

The nigga kept staring at me the whole fucking time, if that isn't liking someone, then shit that's stalkerish, She laughed a little, snorting a bit from the thought.

But fo' real, do you think he would drop all his hoes for yo' ass? Willow puckered her lips and raised her eyebrows.

Probably not. That's why I had to leave. Shit, if I would've stayed, I would have hurt myself even more trying to make something that will never happen, She continued swinging, not feeling the eyes on her from across the playground.

You right. That dude probably has a whole entourage of girls waiting for him. Still unnoticed by the pair of eyes on her, they began to move towards to where she was at.

"And I would not like to be in that entourage," Willow spoke out loud.

"What entourage?" The familiar voice spoke. She stopped swinging and opened her eyes to come in contact with Odell. Willow cleared her throat and looked down, kicking some pebbles around.

"Why did you leave?" Odell asked. He sat in a swing right beside Willow, still looking at her. She shrugged her shoulders, refusing to look at him.

"I was gonna leave anyways so I didn't think it mattered." Odell sighed and scratched his head.

"Look Willow, I'm sorry for what happened earlier today. I just, I really, didn't know how to take it." Willow furrowed her brows and shook her head.

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