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Odell held the door open for Willow and she quietly thanked him. He rushed over to the desk and cleared his throat to get the nurse's attention.

"Oh my goodness wh—" She widened her eyes and dropped the phone. "Oh my fucking God you're Odell Beckham Jr.!"

"Uh yeah, thanks." He gave her a tight lipped smile. "But I'm here to see—"

"Oh wait, can I please get a picture? My homegirls won't believe this," She started searching for her phone but Odell stopped her.

"Uh sorry, but I'm here to see someone important so if you don't mind..." The nurse sighed and pouted.

"What's the name?"

"Yasmin. Yasmin Carter." She began clicking some things on a computer.

"She's right down the hall, Room 727." Odell nodded his head on her and looked around for Willow. He found her sitting down reading a magazine.

"Hey, I got her room number. Wanna come in with me?" She squinted her eyes at him.

"I'm only coming in because you said you would buy me a pair of Louboutins." Willow huffed, following Odell down the hall.

"And I want to see you naked in them too." He added in her ear, causing her to blush. Once they walked in, Yasmin kissed her teeth and glared at them.

"Odell, what the fuck is she doing here?" She harshly asked. Delilah scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Because I wanted her to be here, that's the fuck why." He snapped back, the room falling into silence. Odell and Willow got comfortable in the seats across Delilah. The doctor walked in and greeted all of them.

"Mom, it's nice to see you again." He shook Yasmin's hand and turned to Odell.

"And you must be the father," Odell smiled and took his hand.

"Unfortunately." Willow snorted and cleared her throat. Delilah cut her eyes and frowned.

"What's funny, broke hoe?" Odell was about to retaliate but Willow stopped him.

"Your stupidity is funny and it's a free country, I can laugh at whatever I want."

"Yeah, okay you ain't gone be saying none of that shit when I getcho' ass." She threatened. Odell sighed and perched his head up on his knuckles.

"Delilah, you're not gonna do shit so sit and shut up." Willow smirked and grabbed his available hand.

"Alright, let's move on. Today we're checking the baby's vitals and condition and really anything else you would want to know." The Doctor explained, putting on a pair of latex gloves. Yasmin lays back and pulls her shirt up. He rolls over in a chair and rubs the gel over her stomach. Odell leaned up and whispered into Willow's ear.

"What do you wanna have first? A boy or girl?"

"I actually wanna have a baby boy first so I can embarrass him at his basketball games." Willow answered, making Odell chuckle.

"Honeybun, our child isn't playing no basketball. He gonna be a beast on the field like his daddy." She scrunched up her face at him. "But before you even start, I was asking because she's supposed to be having a boy."

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