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Willow grimaced when she heard more belching from the bathroom. Odell slugged himself out of his bathroom, wiping the corner of his mouth. Willow watched him as he fell face forward onto the bad. Odell moved his arm over her, wrapping it around her waist.

"Uh un mister," Willow frowned and tried to remove the arm. "You are not getting me sick!" She exclaimed. He chuckled, picking his face up from the covers.

"Willow baby, you're not gonna get sick. Its just the side effects from the hit, that's all." Odell protested. Willow pressed her lips together, shaking her head.

"Uh, nope. I still don't want your germs O." He kissed his teeth and then moved on top of her. She gasped, too disgusted to know what to do.

"Will you just hold me for a sec? I feel like complete crap." Willow rolled her eyes. "And all I need is for my baby to hold me, is that too much to ask for?" He snuggled his head into her chest.

"I dunno who told you I was yo baby," She pointed out. "But, I guess I'll give you some sympathy." Odell kissed his teeth and looked up at her. Willow now concentrated on the latest episode of SportsCenter on the nearby TV. He still noticed that disguised distress and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked, knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Because you're beautiful." Odell answered. Willow tried to conceal her blushing by frowning and pressing her lips together.

"What?" He lifted his head up to hers. "You don't think I mean it?" She looked at him, her mouth agape.

"It's not that Odell but," Willow stopped, trying to make sure she said the right thing. "Who's to say you haven't told that to many other girls?" Odell frowned, wondering where she was getting all this from.

"Willow, where is this coming from?" He peered into her eyes, discovering the insecurity. "I'm serious this time girl, you are beautiful, and you are my baby whether you know it or not." She chuckled at the end and shook her head. Odell raised an eyebrow.

"All that is gonna change though when I gotta leave tomorrow." Willow mentioned looking the other way. He sighed, realizing he caused the insecurity. Odell leaned up bringing his eyes to meet directly with hers. She had to admit the eye contact was psyching her out, she couldn't tell how he was gonna react and she didn't have time for the heartbreak.

"Okay, so answer me this," He said, tilting his head to the side. "Do you think I'm not going to want you after you leave?" Willow bit her lip, trying to choose her words carefully.

"Yeah, I do." She admitted. Odell folded his lips in and nodded.

"Well I want you to know," He pecked her lips. "That this time," He pecked them again. "I'm not going anywhere." Odell finally placed one more kiss on her lips, making sure this one left a mark.

"I'd be a complete dumbass to let you go again."
Willow smiled and hid her face with her hands.

"Nah now," He removed her hands. "Lemme see that pretty face of yours." She rolled her eyes and leaned towards him.

"How do I know if your all talk and no walk?" Willow challenged, dragging her finger down his cheek. Odell scoffed and smirked.

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