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It was a foggy Thursday morning in the city of Atlanta and even at Willow's workplace, this was one of 'those' mornings. As for Willow, it was actually one of the most peaceful mornings she's had in awhile. After taking the advice from Mrs. Roark about writing in a journal, some of the pent up stress and pain started to flow away as the thoughts and ideas flowed from her pen onto the paper. Strolling into her office, Willow placed her purse in the drawer beside her work desk and pulled her journal out.

"Well, if it isn't Miss I Got Some Dick And Don't Know How To Act." Tyler joked with Candice coming behind him.

"Why thank you Tyler! I've missed you too." Willow sarcastically replied. Tyler smirked and picked at his nails.

"Anyways, at least tell me he gave you head right?" She moved to grab a pencil on the other side of the desk.

"Not even close." Tyler gave her a look. "But I can tell you that we slept in the same bed and he cuddled me." Willow sheepishly included. Candice began giggling from behind Tyler, causing him to turn around.

"Is she serious? You tellin' me that yo ass slept in the same bed as Odell Beckham Jr. and didn't get any dick?" She shook her head no. "Nor any head?" She shook her head again.

"Wow girl, you got some good resistance. 'Cause I woulda' let him beat this up any night!" Tyler exclaimed. Willow chuckled and planted her journal down from her hands.

"He is an awesome cuddle buddy though." She flipped countless pages of writing from the previous days before.

"Girl fuck the cuddling, I want the dick!" Candice covered her mouth from laughing too hard.

"Okay enough of that, Will tell me why you have a journal?" Willow looked up at her. "And only you would have Fifth Harmony all over it." Guilty, she grinned recognizing her obsession for the five amazing girls.

"First, you know I love Fifth Harmony." Tyler scoffed.

"C, you shoulda' known that because the girl went to one of their concerts in the same year she discovered them." Candice rolled her eyes, leaning her head to the side.

"I know that doofus. I just didn't think her obsession was this serious. You still haven't told me why you have the journal in the second place!" Willow laughed.

"Well, its a suggestion from my therapist for me to write in it from time to time. And now, I'm gonna make sure whenever y'all leave me alone to write in it, to include you guys." Tyler gasped, holding a hand to his chest.

"Oh my God Can, we've reached new royalty!" Candice slapped him on the arm.

"Yeah yeah. I'll make sure to add your very extra and embarrassing and hilarious personality Ty." His beaming smile shone a light to Willow's heart, subconsciously forming a smile on her face also. The heart-warming moment was shot down when the two rugrats walked by Willow's office.

"Oh well look who it is," India snarked. Candice sighed and Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Don't y'all have something else better to do than hawk around in everyone's business?" Carly scoffed and folded her arms across her chest.

"We told you we wanted that job Willow." In return, she gave them a look.

"And I told you two that you weren't doing it. I was assigned to me and me only. Flock somewhere else now." India tipped her nose up at Willow, forming her eyes into slits.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself girl. We know what went down in New York." Willow's heart tainted a bit when she heard that those two might know some of what happened with her and Odell. Carly snickered and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Sure do. Does, can't take a compliment sound familiar to you?" Candice snapped her head at them, her body fuming.

"Okay then does, I sucked my way to the top sound familiar to you? Fuck outta' here with all that shit. Go find someone else to bother. Or matter fact, go bother our boss's dick." She slammed the door in their faces, scaring them away from Willow's office. She let out the breath she was holding from the moment they stepping in there.

"Thank you so much C. I really appreciate it." Tyler went over to where she was to console her.

"It's okay Will. They don't know what happened so they shouldn't be trying to spread it everywhere. It is typical for them to do that though, but as long as I'm around, they ain't gonna say shit." Willow gratefully smiled as Candice rubbed her shoulder. She could see where her phone buzzed off. She slipped out of Tyler's embrace for a moment to check the buzzing to see that she had a notification from Instagram. Willow grinned when she saw Odell's name appear in her comments and her likes.

"Ooh, looks like someone's still interested." She tried to hide her excitement as she read the comments.

obj- 🤤😍

obj- lookin' good😏

A smile eventually crept onto Willow's face and even as much as she tried to fight, it was nice to know that he still thought about her.

okay, i am late, but i did say i was gonna update all this week and that's what i'm gonna try to do even with all these exams going on. and yes, i did discover fifth harmony last year and went to see them in concert at the 7/27 tour in the same year lmao. this is a more of a filler chapter and i hope you guys enjoy. thank you all for the votes, comments, and reads.♡

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