The Call of the Void- Chapter 2- I Am All Bad

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He can hear Eddie on the phone outside his bedroom. His loud voice echoes through out their shared house, ringing in Aleks' ears. Aleks is lying on his stomach on his bed, his face buried in a pillow and his hands curled around his bed sheets.

“He's back to his old ways, Doctor.”, Eddie explains, “He doesn't really want to come back to you, but I think it would be the best thing for him.”

He wants to go into the living room and slit Eddie's throat for not listening to him. He's already given into his addiction; he's got nothing left to lose. Well, Eddie is something to lose. Eddie keeps him grounded and out of trouble. Eddie reminds him that he's more than his killing addiction.

Maybe Eddie is everything to lose.

“When can you schedule us in?”, Eddie asks and Aleks groans into his pillow. He told Eddie to just keep his mouth shut and let him fix his shit. Aleks told him one god damn thing-

“Tuesday? Like next week Tuesday?”, a pause, “Oh. Tuesday like tomorrow? No, Doctor, you don't have to do that. We can handle ourselves till next week if you're busy.”

Fuck. He's not going to that damn doctor today, tomorrow or ever. He could always just... dispose of that doctor. He can't be hard to find. A quick Google search could probably give him all he needs to know.

“Yeah, I think we can do tomorrow. Seriously, Doctor, you don't have to do that. We can wait. I can take care of him.”, Eddie continues.

Aleks gets up off his bed and moves to sit in his computer chair. He jerks the mouse back and forth to wake up his monitor and waits patiently for the screen to wake up. It's only a few seconds before his editing program is in front of him with his latest video that should have been uploaded earlier today. He dismisses it with a grunt and opens up his browser, Google appearing right away.

“Oh thank you, Doctor. I'm sure Aleks will be thrilled to be going.”

Eddie better be kidding with that statement because he's an absolute idiot if he honestly thinks that about Aleks.

Aleks clicks the search bar and quickly types in the name of his doctor. Dr. Arnold Fitzgerald. Multiple links come up, mostly depicting his time in medical school and how revolutionary of a doctor he was. Aleks scrolls past those with very little interest. His doctor brags enough about his many achievements anyway; Aleks doesn't need to know more.

He continues to scroll, hoping for some kind of Yellowpages entry or something that would give him an address. He stumbles across Fitzgerald's business website that has a contacts page practically gift wrapped for Aleks. He clicks that and the page loads up with a few different forms of communication. He finds a phone number of some kind, but it's not labelled with what it leads to exactly.

“Yes. Yes. Thanks again, Doctor.”, Aleks hears Eddie hang up the phone and footsteps approaching his room.

Aleks swiftly minimizes his browser and opens up that editing software from early. He shuffles some things around as Eddie approaches his doorway just in an attempt to look busy.

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