The Call of the Void- Chapter 7- Makin' It Hard On Me

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"James Wilson.", Seamus introduces as he clicks to the opening page of the Powerpoint he prepared. "He's a Youtube star whose known for his temper and being a member of a Youtube group known as the Creatures." Aleks knows who he is. He's known since before Eddie got wrapped up with those guys. He's watched a few of James' videos, mostly the Dead Space ones. Aleks could call himself a fan, he guesses. 

"Do you always make special Powerpoints about Youtubers or is it just this guy?", Aleks teases. "You look like one of his fangirls to me."

Seamus narrows his eyes at him. "He's an ex partner of mine. Apparently the Internet life was more appealing to him than me.", Seamus looks at the picture on the screen with almost a longing expression. Aleks wonders if anything went on between these two just by the way Seamus is looking at the screen right now. "He left a few years ago once he started talking to some of the other guys who now make up The Creatures." 

"What's he got to do with me?"

"I want him gone."

Aleks tries to not let the shock show on his face. Kill James? He couldn't possibly... He's never connected to his targets. It's his one of his criteria. Loose connections, sure. A friend of a friend, a doctor he's seen once or twice and avoided telling anything personal too, sure. He's fine with that. But this is James. James could be considered one of Eddie's best friends. He's already fucked up with Eddie too many times to count and he's already lost the "I forgive you for killing one of my friends" card in the form of Maddie. He can't even-

"Is there a problem?", Seamus inquires, looking to Aleks' blank face staring up at the screen. 

"Uh... no. No.", Aleks stammers out, tearing his eyes away from James' smiling face on the screen. 

"Are you a fangirl of his?", Seamus says with a hint of a smile, bouncing Aleks' previous comment back to him. 

"No, no. He's just... Eddie's a friend of his."

"Is he one of those Creatures? I don't know a lot about them, so you can tell me.", Aleks keeps his mouth shut, "Is he?"

Aleks nods slowly and it's barely visible to Seamus. Seamus comes out from behind the desk that seperates the two of them and stands over Aleks' sitting form. "Is this going to be a problem?", it's not a threat. It doesn't sound like a threat at all, like Aleks has been expecting. Seamus sounds genuinely concerned for Aleks. 

Aleks hesitates, looking straight into Seamus' eyes. "I don't really know where I stand with Eddie right now.", Aleks reveals, wringing his hands anxiously, "I just told him I was alive, not what's going on." 

Seamus nods slowly, eyes drifting away from Aleks' and looking off into the distance. "I couldn't ask you to kill someone close to you. That would be immoral of me.", his eyes move back to Aleks, "I may be demanding, but you should know I am never immoral." 

"Seamus, I-"

"I can put someone else on this, if you want. I mean, I don't really have anyone else, but I could probably find someone.", Seamus moves back to his desk as he speaks, picking up the remote to control the screen. "Killers aren't exactly hard to find if you know where to look.", Seamus shuts off the screen.

Aleks watches Seamus carefully. It's as if he's testing Aleks with this, seeing just how far Aleks is willing to go for him. It's a test of loyalty. If Aleks agrees to this, he really is Seamus' instead of having one foot out the door like he stands at the current moment. Aleks sits up a little straighter in his chair as Seamus comes back to him, moving to crouch in front of Aleks, making him look smaller instead of towering over Aleks like he usually does. "How committed are you to this?", Seamus says in a tone just above a whisper.

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