30 Day Letter Challenge

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Day 1 - Your Best Friend

Day 2 - Your Crush

Day 3 - Your Parents

Day 4 - Your Sibling (Or Closest Relative)

Day 5 - Your Dreams

Day 6 - A Stranger

Day 7 - Your Fears*

Day 8 - Your Favourite Internet Friend

Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To

Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Day 12 - Your Children/Your Future Children/Children In General*

Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From

Day 15 - The Person You Miss Most

Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country 

Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood

Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be

Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind (Good Or Bad)

Day 20 - Your Past Self*

Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression

Day 22 - Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Day 23 - A Celebrity You Despise*

Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favourite Memory

Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Hardest Of Times

Day 26 - The World*

Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Met For Only One Day

Day 28 - Someone Who Changed Your Life

Day 29 - The Person You Want To Tell Everything To, But Are Too Afraid To

Day 30 - Your Future Self*

**I changed day 7 (Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush) to Your Fears, Day 23 - (The Last Person You Kissed) to A Celebrity You Despise, Day 30 (Your Reflection In The Mirror) to Your Future Self, Day 20 (The One Who Broke Your Heart The Hardest) to Your Past Self, Day 26 (The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To) to The World. Day 12 (The Person You Hate Most/Caused You A Lot Of Pain) to Your Children/Your Future Children/Children In General.                                                  

This is because of  few reasons...

1) I thought I should put in a few from the other 30 day letter challenge and some from my own ideas to mix things up a bit and make it different.  

2) I'm a wimp and there were some things I didn't want to write about, so I changed it haha.                                                      

Also, if it's not too much to ask, please can I have feedback on the cover? It's not great but I made it myself and it's one of my first ones. I really don't mind if you say it is bad - I am open to criticism - after all, how are you going to learn if no one points out your mistakes? Also, if anyone has any different ideas for the cover, please tell me! :) Thanks, Emma xxx

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