Day 20 - Your Past Self

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Dear Past Self,

I feel out of touch with you now. I've changed so much these past few years that it's almost like I'm a completely different person. In fact, I guess I am a completely different person, not just physically but mentally.

I don't know whether I miss you or not. You brought me so much pain and struggle and yet gave me some of the best experiences of my life. Sometimes I want to erase any memory of it completely from my mind and sometimes I want to go back there.

If I could change anything back then I would just make myself live life to the full. I was so young and yet I had so many fears and worries so ,instead of embracing life as a child, I feared it. That's my biggest regret so far and yet I couldn't really control my fears. It wasn't really so much by choice that I was so unstable but more that people kept pulling out jenga blocks of the tower which was my life and ,one day, someone pulled one out and the whole thing collapsed.

What scares me is I don't really know anything about you. I remember how it felt like and everything but now I can't really understand it. I don't know whether to admire you or kick you for doing the wrong thing. 

But one thing I do know is you made me better. I had to go through the hard times to come out the other end. And it made me stronger.

Emma xxx

This song >>>> represents this letter pretty well I think. Lets all take a moment to appreciate that that was how Miley Cyrus used to be: shy, young beautiful and how is she now? Crazy, inappropriate and wacky. 

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