Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favourite Memory

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Dear M,

I value every moment I spend with you. I love you so much haha<3 You make me smile when I'm down and you make me feel safe when I'm lost. You practically radiate goodness and love. You are so selfless, give yourself a break! But, seriously, you are so amazing and I don't know how I'd cope without seeing your smile every day. I know I'm annoying, arrogant, selfish and a jerk but I wil always love you and I hope you can see that<3 I've never considered you as my 'best' friend, more as the sister I never had.

So my favourite memory...

Each moment I spend with you is a pleasure but to choose one, it would have to be the day in the forest :)

We were in year six, ten years old or maybe eleven? Anyway, that day was probably the best in my life. There wasn't really anything special that happened, it was just a normal day, but I threw away all my fears and I just had so much fun.

It's hard to explain how happy I was that day. I don't know why it happened and what caused it but I was just so blissfully happy.

You have a gift, the ability to put a smile on anyone's face, no matter how crap they are feeling. You will go great places and I will be behind you the whole way<3 Just know that I will always have your back<333333

I love you, boo ♥

Emma xxx

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