Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who was there for me during the hard times and the good times<3

Dear People From Primary School,

Whether you are a teacher or a pupil, you guys have changed my life so much. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Admittedly,my primary school wasn't the greatest achademically but I really wouldn't change it for the world. Everything that happened there and everything I experienced there made me who I am today. And when I look back on it, all though part of me feels pain, most of me feels so happy that I got the chance to do those things and I miss it so so much.

To be honest, I'd happily stay in primary school all my life but I guess things change and ,as much as I hate it, I have to accept it. And although secondary school is great, most of my best moments happened in primary school.

What I'm trying to say is that you guys did so much more for me than you ever will/can realise. 

It's so easy to get so excited about the prospect of the future that you leave the past behind. I was always the opposite, I held onto the past and wouldn't let go. But eventually you have to. Things change, people change, life changes, but the memories will always remain. And I can thank all of you for those memories.

I love you all. You made me so happy and everyday I want to turn back time and relive those memories you gave me because you gave me the time of my life.

I love you so so much and thankyou,

Emma xxx

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