Day 31 - YOU!

31 3 1

I know this is a 30 day letter challenge and everything but January has 31 days and I felt like you, readers, deserve a letter. And, also, I felt it wasn't quite finished so this will complete it.

Dear you,

Whether you have read all 31 of the letters, or this is the first letter you have read, thank you! Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! You are absolutely amazing and I love you so much<3 Just knowing that people are bothering to take the time to read my work means the world to me. It makes me so happy to know that people are enjoying my work.

And for all of those who have voted (thank you so much, Liz!) or followed this challenge all the way, I honestly couldn't thank you any more. I never even thought I'd ever work up the courage to publish something on Wattpad. And now that I have, it's absolutely incredible to see who has read it and who has enjoyed it. I never expected at all to get any votes so for all those who have voted, THANK YOU! You now have permission from me to take any of my skittles whenever you want. ^~^ You're welcome.

But, seriously, never in a million years did I expect to get votes, so that is so amazing.

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! And although the votes and reads are just numbers, they mean so much more to me. Each read is showing that someone has bothered to read my work and each vote is showing that,  not only has someone bothered to read a letter, they have enjoyed it so much that they voted for it. So, even though they appear just as numbers, they represent so much more and each one I see makes me so happy. 

Feel free to chat to me any time! Or PM me :D

I love you all so much and THANK YOU<3

Emma xxx

30 Day Letter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now