Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most

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  • Dedicated to Beth my beautiful angel<3

Dear Beth,

I miss you so much. I miss your smile, your laugh and the way you were always an optomist even though your walls were crumbling. You were so brave and honest and such a beautiful human being. No amount of words could sum up how I feel about you. 

It's so weird to know you're not here anymore. There's so many stories that weren't shared, so many secrets left covered up. There was so much I wanted to tell you but didn't get the chance. There have been so many days when I just feel awful and just want you to be there and make everything better. Because that's what you did. You made things better. 

Sometimes I just lay in bed and think back to the memories we shared. You are, and always will be, my angel. You faced the world, you weren't afraid and you had so much spirit, courage and determination. 

I miss you so so much. And I can't help feeling oneday you'll suddenly reappear again and make everything better. I used to be so angry that you were claimed so young but I've grown to realise that we just have to accept it. And you accepted it long before I did.

I just wish I got the chance to get to know you better. To become closer to you. To help you as much as you helped me. 

You are my role model. In your short life, you achieved so much. Not just physically but mentally too.

You are the reason I'm who I am today. I love you so much, Beth. And I always will<3

Emma xxx

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