Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To

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  • Dedicated to My Primary School Friends (K,I,F,H)

Dear Primary School friends,

We were so close in Primary School. Like sisters, a massive group taking over the world. I had the time of my life with you guys and I couldn't have asked for more. You were so supportive, and funny and I miss that so much. 

Our group kind of split up over the period of end of primary school - the start of secondary schools and (rather too many) rumours were spread and (rather too much) speaking behind people's backs was happening. And, of course you guys went to the same school and me and a friend went somewhere different.

Since then, I feel like we've never really patched up our relationships properly and that's such a shame that we left the deed unfinished. I miss you guys so much. I miss chatting, I miss just hanging out. Now none of us have time to pick up childhood friendships where we left them off. 

I really wish we could find each other, and ourselves, again because I really don't want to lose you.

Emma xxx

I know technically this counts as 'people' not a person but I realized these were the people I wanted to address this letter to, rather than choose one person.

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