Day 23 - A Celebrity You Despise

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First of all, sorry if this letter offends any one or anything. I am not hating or anything, just simply stating my opinion. 

Dear Justin Beiber,

Fame obviously changes people's lives and not always for the better. Because of the fact you are famous, you strive to be the center of attention doing anything from pretending to help kids in hospital to peeing in a restaurant kitchen (which, can I say, is completely gross and horrible and unhygienic) to be in the spotlight. And, then, you get upset when people dislike you? Think about it...

You always want people to take you seriously as an artist and as a singer, but how can we if you go around punching disney characters and spitting out vegan steaks which were ordered especially for you. I get that you want to be different and you want to show that you are young, but being disrespectful and just plain rude is not the best way to gain respect. Take Ed Sheeran, or Taylor Swift, they work hard and people respect them for their actions and their voice. Take you, however, you do hardly any work and play hard and, in return, you have little fans who actually support and respect you.

And how you treat your fans? These people are rooting for you, they are behind you 100%, they bother to pay lots of money to come and see you sing, and how do you treat them in return? One night, you didn't even show up until half way through the sceduled time and another time you turned up two hours late!

I'm sorry to have to be the one to say this but you are selfish, immature and disrespectful. You need to get your head out of the clouds and realize that

1) You are not the only person in this world

2) You can't always get what you want

3) Other people have rights too.

I could go on for hours about things you have done but I'll just mention a few:

-You attacked a photographer, a Disneyland character and paparazzi

-You faked a really bad asthma attack and then laughed your ass off when the paramedics came through the door

-You randomly turned up at Disney land and demanded the entire Yachtsman Steakhouse to be cleared so you could eat there. All the reservations had to be cancelled without explanation. And then Disney felt bad, so they had to pay money to give everyone who reserved a meal a free meal somewhere else. And then you, being the ignorant boy you are, turn up in nothing but a bath robe. 

-You threw a tantrum at a theatre because they would not let you take a subway sandwich into the theatre because it was against the rules. You made a HUGE mess of the theatre and had to be carried out, kicking and screaming about how they were all worthless monkeys.

-You spat in an old man's face

-You almost killed a baby

-You made a girl pregnant and then refused to have anything to do with her.

It is just not fair to treat people like this. They did not do anything bad to you, so why do you do it to them? When will you realize what you've been doing is horrible and rude and change?

I'm sure this letter says what loads of us were thinking.

Justin Beiber, you are a disgrace.


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