Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Hardest Of Times

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Dear people who have faced/are facing Cancer/lost their lives to Cancer. 

I'm not going to say I know how you feel. I don't and I'm not going to pretend. But, based on what I know and what I've seen, I can imagine. If it were me, I would be so scared, absolutely terrified. But what I've noticed, is that when people find out, regardless of how scared they are, they accept that death is coming. You people are the bravest in the world. 

So many people complain about everything but they don't realise just how lucky they are. You never realise the values of love and life until you're losing it. And that's why people like you are always so brave and, despite the fact your life is slipping away, so happy. And also, so optomistic. I was pleasured to know someone with Cancer, Beth, who you have heard about twice (in the letters - A deceased person you wish you could talk to and the person that you miss the most) and she taught me so much. She is the reason I live life to the full and value love, life and family so much. Unfortunately, Beth died but the memories I shared with her will stay with me together. She was so inspirational.

I know I could never compare to what you are going through and I will never fully understand unless I expercience it. I hate it when people pretend they know what you are going through. They don't. And as much as they try, they (like me) will never fully understand unless they have that experience. 

You've all been chucked in the deep end of a swimming pool. The people who give up drown and the people who keep struggling and fighting can climb out. What I find horrible is when people get chucked into the deepest part of the pool and, no matter how hard they fight and struggle, they can't get out and drown.

You are the most beautiful people on Earth <3

Emma xxx 

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