Day 22 - Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

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Dear Everyone Who Fought In The Wars,

If only everything had happened differently. If only no one had ever stumbled upon the mistake that is weapons, and if only you never had to leave to fight.

You people, although I don't know you all, sacrificed so much for your country. You were selfless, brave and so strong. You made us all so proud<3. So many of you lost your lives fighting and all our prayers can never sum up how much we love and miss you.

No body should have to experience guns, death, bombs and you faced them all with a brave, strong attitude. You kept optomistic and you risked everything for the sake of your country and family.

If we could give you another chance, maybe you would have survived the wars. Or, better yet, stopped the wars all together. 

We miss you so much. What you did will stay in our hearts forever and you are truly the heroes of our nation. It's because of you that we all are where we are today. 

No amount of prayers or goodbyes could ever explain how we feel about you. We love you so much<3 Thank you for risking everything for the sake of our safety<3

We love you <3

Emma xxx

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