Day 19 - Someone Who Pesters Your Mind (Good Or Bad)

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Dear Someone Who Pesters My Mind,

I guess the reason you are always in my mind is because I never quite figured you out. You made it seem like we had all knew so much about you but, at the end, I looked back and I realized I knew so little about you.

Also, because I never really trusted you. I never really knew what you had up your sleeve or what you were doing - you were sneaky like that. Which meant, I always had to be wary of you because you had a certain power that you used to destroy friendships when nobody ever expected it. We all knew what you did, we all knew what you could do and yet none of us could bring ourselves to just get rid of you.

You brought out a bad side in me which I never wanted to experience. You made me angry, irritated and so frustrated. You were someone I could chat to and have fun with but not someone I could trust enough to confide in.

Even now, when you're not even a big problem any more, you still pester my mind. You have stolen so many friendships away from me and you were determined to take more. But I held on to them, and that made the friendships even more shakey and you even more determined. In the end, I realised I'd already lost them to that smug, innocent face of yours and there was nothing I could do but accept it.

You had the ability to be somone great but you threw it away. I saw your good side and yet you carried on talking behind people's backs, spreading rumours and breaking hearts. Being that person might make you feel popular, but when it comes down to it, nobody will trust you.

It would be easy to stop thinking about you and leave you if you were just fully mean, but I know you have that good person inside you, and that's why I carried on being your friend because I thought, one day, you might go back to that person.

I don't even know what to think of you any more. Just, while you still have the chance, go back to that nice girl I know you have inside you. Please...

Emma xxx

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