Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be

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Dear Me,

I've always wanted/strived to be a particular sort of person: someone who's kind and gentle, funny, brave and fearless/careless but, hard as I try, that person is always out of my reach.

Isn't it weird how we don't always turn out to be the sort of person we want to be? We may try to be kind and end up a bitch or try to be selfless and end up being selfish. And yet others achieve goodness not by trying to be something different but by being who they are.

People say you can be the sort of person you want to be if you try but is that really the case? Or do we all stay the same sort of person our whole lives no matter how hard we try to change? If that's the case is it worth carrying on trying to be someone different? Or should we all accept we are who we are and, although it's not impossible, it is very hard to change that.

Or maybe we just grow into that sort of person as we develop and we don't even realise it until we look back and acknowledge how far we have come. Maybe, if you really want something, you have to wait for it to come to you, rather than the other way around.

All I know, is that in the future, I want to be kind and generous and a good friend. I don't really care what job I have as long as I am someone people can trust and come to for help. But, then again, who knows? There's no way of telling.... and, in a weird way, that's the beauty in it.

Emma xxx

I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone other than myself. I hope it does, but I do get that it is quite confusing. I like spreading out all of my thoughts onto the paper so it can be a bit jumbly haha. 

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