31 Days with Ross

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Yes, after my brother got married to my best friend, I have never been happier. I felt contented seeing two of the most important people in my life getting what they have always wanted. I always think that my best friend deserves a better man in her life and being able to find that person after so many years of searching was really some sort of accomplishment. Soon my brother and my new sister-in-law will be leaving for their honeymoon. Therefore, leaving me in the apartment alone. It is going to be a lonely month there. I asked my Mom and Dad if they could move in with me for a while but it seemed like they were too tied up with their jobs. They live too far from the city and if i move in with them for a month, it would mean that I have to enjoy an hour of drive to and from work everyday. This sucks. I may not be a minor but I sure needed someone watching over me to make me feel safe. I kinda get uneasy and afraid whenever I'm alone. 

The day before Kat and Trevor left for their honeymoon, I told Kat about my dilemma - about being alone. 

"Why don't you have your parents come over?" she suggested. 
"I thought I already told you that they can't come. I don't feel safe when I'm alone here. and FYI they're not just my parents. They're your parents now." As I answered her, my brother came in, sat beside Kat and placed an arm around her shoulder.

"I'll ask one of my good friends to stay with you. Will that be okay?" he asked.

At first, I wanted to jump into the offer and say yes, but then I wasn't really sure which of his friends he was going to ask to stay with me. 

"Who is the friend that you're talking about?" I asked.

My brother's facial expression changed from being kind to a sinister one. 

"You'll see. I'll let him come over tonight. It's a good thing that your mentioned about a housemate because he's looking for a place to stay while he's in the city for a month."

He's given me aclue that it's a HE and not a SHE. My brother's really playing with my curiosity, alright. He's been dead worried about me not having anyone looking after me now that he and Kat are married. He's been setting me up with some blind dating sessions but I kept on saying no. I wanted to be okay without any guy in my life. I didn't want to depend on them anymore. I've already learned my lesson. I've already been through so many break-ups that I am already getting sick and tired of the whole process - well, looking at my brother and Kat, they are surely the exception. I stayed at home the whole afternoon after I decided to call in sick at the office. I helped Kat with the packing of her luggage while my brother called in the guy that he wants to look after me. 

Later that evening, the guy arrived. At first, I thought, appearance-wise he wasn't really that bad. He was tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed and little bit tanned. He was quite formal in style and he had a very strange accent - I guess he was anything but American. And yes, he was bringing his baggage with him which means that he's staying here starting tonight at Kat's room. Kat's space was already vacated and all her things were moved to the storage room in the apartment while they're away. 

"Ross, this is my wife, Kat and this over here is my baby sister, Grace." My brother was too proud when he introduced us.
"Nice to meet the both of you," Ross managed to say. He then centered his interest into me. "You must be the housemate that Trevor has told me about."
"I guess I am the one," I smiled and blushed. I must admit, the way he looked at me made me want to turn red all out.

We had dinner, care of Trevor of course. He cooked the whole time while Kat and I finished packing their luggage. The conversation at the table was endless. The four of us were so engaged talking about almost anything under the sun. Ross was bubbly alright. He had all sorts of interests - from arts to music and to the medical world. He was a licensed doctor but he was a musician by heart. I guess he's kind or was he just being nice in front of my brother and his wife? I wonder but by tomorrow, I'm going to see it. MIdnight came and Trevor and Kat left for the airport. They were nice enough to take the taxi on their way there. As I bid my best friend-slash-sister-in-law goodbye, she hugged me and whispered something to me.

"I think he's a nice fellow. You're in good hands," she remarked.
"I guess so. Please call me when you have time," I pleaded.
"I promise. Tell me everything okay?" she asked. I nodded in response.

We giggled as we talked about my temporary housemate. Then I hugged Trevor and then they're off to the airport. When Ross and I got back to the flat, we just said goodnight to each other and went to our rooms. The real getting-to-know begins in the morning. 

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