Day 13

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Day 13 (Ross's POV)

Wow! That's all that I could say. I just wanted to say that Grace went over the top to make up for what happened the yesterday. She took me to the park and prepared some sort of little picnic for us. I was amazed at what she did. I wasn't really the romantic type. Back when I was in Australia and my heart got broken by one girl, she never did this for me whenever we fought. All I could remember as Grace and I got to the entrance of the park was her hand firmly holding mine. We didn't talk and the whole time there was this huge smile plastered on my face. We came to a stop under a tree with some soft lights hanging from the tree. There was a cloth and on top of it was a small basket and a bucket with a chilled bottle of red wine.

She motioned me to sit down and after I settled, she followed. She took off her sandals and rested both feet on the cloth and handed one of the wine glasses to me. I opened the wine and poured her some. She smiled as she accpeted the glass and clinked it against mine after I poured myself some. We then sat in silence as we watched different people do different sorts of stuff in the park. Minutes later, I caught her hand in mine and that's when our gazes met. I could still remember the conversation that we had under the tree. 

"You haven't said anything to me. Are you okay?" I asked as I kept her hand in mine. She looked at our hands and smiled. 

"After what happened today, I don't know how I can ever repay you. Thanks for saving me back there-" I stopped her by placing my forefinger on her lips to shush her. A smile replaced her confused look.

"It's fine... I think you didn't do that on purpose. I also don't think," I poured more wine on her glass that was now empty, "that you're not taking advantage of what I feel for you. I trust you on that."

She just looked at me and sighed out of relief. She went nearer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I shifted to kiss her hair and she snuggled closer. I placed my arm around her and we continued to watch the people who were now watching someone dance in the park. Later, I pulled her up to her feet to dance with me as a busker not far from us started to play a slow tune that we could dance to. I pulled her close as she rested her head against my chest, her other hand holding mine. Her free hand rested on my shoulder as my other hand was around her waist. We swayed to the beat. She was closing her eyes as she tried to feel the beat. I held her close to me so that she could feel the steady beating of my heart. 

I sat in front of my computer now trying to make new music for the kids. I didn't know that it would be this easy. Each note came like it was free for me to grab. By noon, I was already able to finish half of the musical score for their upcoming fund raiser. I looked at the grand piano and started to try the partly-finished score on it. There was no doubt that I was feeling good. I felt good that things were starting to get better each time I wake up with Grace by my side. It was like there was nothing that the both of us couldn't do. 

As I played the piano, my phone rang. I was thrilled to find out that it was Trevor. Talk about thinking about the devil's sister. He knew when to call me, alright.

"Yo, how's the work with the wife?" I chuckled.

"Oh my God...It's been like weeks since I left you there with my sister. How is she?" he asked on the other line. I can hear the trace of worry in his voice."I heard from Kat about the things that you did in Wyoming. So you introduced her to your family, huh?" I can sense the wry smile on his face. 

Trevor wasn't really close-minded about me technically hitting on his sister. He knows that I have the best of intentions when it comes to her. I knew from the first time that I saw her picture, she made me feel different. She made me feel that there was hope that I could be taken by someone seriously. 

"Yup, I guess I did. I mean, you don't mind, right? You know how much I adore your sister. I would move heavens to be with her."

"I know that. It's just that, take it easy will you? She just came from a break up."

"Yeah, I get that. And speaking of break up, the guy who dumped her is begging her to be with him again. If it wouldn't for Grace being there, I would have split the man in half."

I heard Trevor's burst of laughter from the other end. He knew how much I hated him when I first saw him and the last girl that I've ever had since I got to Australia. Actually it turned out that Trevor's girlfriend and my girlfriend was the same. The crazy woman got us both wrapped around her fingers. After ending our ties with her, Trevor and I became the best of friends. 

"What?" I asked curiously. There was really something tickling him down to his bone.

"You haven't been like this lately, man. I'm amazed that Grace brought out this side of you again. Well, just take care of her okay?"

"With all my heart, bro. You can count on that for sure."

"Okay. That settles it. We'll be there on the first of October."

Then the call ended. I was at peace that Trevor trusted me to take care of his sister. I also felt at peace now that things were going well between us and I was going to keep my word that I will take it slow with her and that I'm not going to do anything to hurt her now that I know she feels the same way about me. I was able to finish the piece that the foundation wanted me to do for the kids and just when i was about to leave the office, a woman came in.

She looked familiar to me with her long wavy blond hair. Her eyes were hidden behind the soft hue of her sunglasses. Her plump lips were the just the same as I remembered them. She was now talking to the receptionist at the front desk. I couldn't move one bit. Something in me was starting to build up and I knew it wasn't love - it was anger. Just like Grace, I experienced the most painful break up in my lifetime. Most of the breakups that I had in the past ended well and the break up that I had in her ended with the most painful exchange of words. Why couldn't I move? Dang it!

She now headed towards me and stopped in her tracks when she saw me. I wanted to move but there was something that I wanted to say to her.

"Ross" she said. Her voice was strained as she took her glasses off and held it in her hand. She just looked at me with eyes that pleaded for forgiveness and  it was trying to ask me something. Tears were threatening to come out I guess from her eyes.


She motioned to move closer to me and she hesitated first before wrapping her arms around me. She rested her head against my chest. I just continued to stand there not holding her. My hands were now turned into fists that could literally punch a hole through the wall. My eyes never even tried to look down on her frame now that tried to get me to hold her. I looked straight ahead and wished that I could push her away. After a few moments, she let me go and forced me to look at her by holding my face between her hands. 

"I've missed you."

I stared back at her with eyes that conveyed anger and great feeling not wanting to see her. I raised my brow and got her hands off my face. She had a lot of guts to come to me alright but I was somehow impressed how she managed to get a ticket when she relied everything on her personal assistants. I walked away from her though she started to cry.

"Ross! Ross! Ross!"

I walked towards the exit and eyeing the guard at the door, I nodded to him and whispered an order.

"Make sure she won't be able to get through the office again.Take her out of my office."

"Yes, sir."

I never dared to look back at her again. I never want to look back at that time again. All I feel is regret as to why I fell for her. I want to start a life again without her and with Grace in it. I looked at the elevator and thanked that it came to stop to my floor. I got in and closed the doors quick so that I could rush home and wrap my hands around Grace. 


Okay, here's the update guys. Hope you enjoy this one! ^_^


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