Day 23

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Day 23

Ross's POV

I woke up with a heavy heart. I found the other side of my bed empty and wished that she could have had her body flushed against mine. Though it was only day not being able to sleep with her, it was silly to find that I already missed the fragrance of her hair, the feel of her against my fingertips and the sound of her breath against the strong beat of my heart. The previous night was just considered to be a nightmare that I didn't want to remember. I just felt that something was going to happen and that I wasn't going to like it even one bit.

I got out of bed and decided to think that a cup of joe could heal my aching head. My temples were throbbing so much since I wasn't able to get good sleep last night. Pouring hot water in the cup, I heard a door opening. As I looked up, I saw her coming out of her room. She just looked at me and tried to smile but it seemed to me that she was hiding something. I can feel that she was hesitant in moving forward but she still came near anyway. 

I added some coffee in my cup. She walked around me and sat on the stool beside me. I tried to ignore the longing that I had to touch her since I didn't have my feel of her the previous night. I wasn't an addict yet she was my drug. I knew she was trying to steal glances towards my way and that made me want to talk to her more and to hold her. I wasn't aware that she was trying to make this space between us more visible though we were just a touch apart. I dropped my teaspoon and placed a hand on her sides. I trapped her between me and the edge of the kitchen counter. 

I could feel her breath become more eratic. Her hands were slightly shaking yet she refused to look at me. I went closer to her ear so that she may hear the words that I've been meaning to ask her. 

"What's wrong, Gracie?" I asked. I felt her shiver. She spun around to meet my gaze and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She was sobbing. I held her close and bent a little to keep my gaze levelled at those hazel ones. 

"I'm so confused about what to do, Ross," she said. She loosened her grip around my neck. "Andrea was just terminated from the magazine yesterday."

"What? Why?" I was stunned to know that Andrea just got fired yesterday. I wonder how fast that was. 

"She was breaking all the things in her office. She was all over the place shouting, screaming and stuff. Melinda talked to me about reconciling with her but then the head management decided to kick her out."

I wiped her tears away and tried to soothe and relax her. She was getting hysterical. I bet somehow I had something to do with how she reacted yesterday. I think it was time for me to tell her what I knew about Andrea and what we had in the past. But being the chicken that I was, I refused to give in to the desire of wanting to tell her everything.

" didn't do anything wrong, baby. It's not your fault that she got kicked out. Stop blaming yourself" I admonished as she dipped her head into my chest and I just rubbed her back with my palm. 

"But I did! I should have been more professional with her!" she replied. 

"But she wasn't. Just try to forget about her, okay? What can I do to make you feel better?" I can't believe myself for trying to change the topic of discussion. I should have gotten a sword and might as well cut my head off for being such a coward. 

"I'm calling in sick today. I don't want to go to the office. I think a flu is coming. You can just leave me here at home."

"That's nonsense. I can stay here with you. I can cancel all my appointments and-" she placed a finger to my lips and made me quiet by looking into my eyes and trying to give a reassuring smile. 

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