Day 7

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Hi everyone! Here's another installment for the story. I'll be writing now with Ross's point of view this time as suggested by one of my close friends-slash-critic... I hope you'll enjoy this part through Ross's eyes! 


Day 7 (Ross's POV)

I tried to move to the other side of the bed but I couldn’t. Something was trying to hold me down and I could feel the hold on my waist getting tighter by the minute. My eyes opened wide as I welcomed the view beside me. Her body was facing mine while her free hand wrapped around my waist. The smell of her smooth silky chestnut brown hair was just divine. I tried to move a little to get a glimpse of the face of this angel beside me. 

She looked relaxed and peaceful in her sleep. Her eyes were completely shut and her mouth was slightly opened. I can feel her slow breathing as her chest moved along every breath she took. I tucked a lock of stray hair behind her ear. I wanted to trace the outlines of her lips and imagine what it would be like when they touch mine. Yeah, you would take me as a pervert taking advantage of his prey while it's sleeping, but could you blame me for thinking about such things? I was surprised last night when she offered to let me sleep on the bed with her plus this! I wondered what went through her mind when she said that. Well, one thing is for sure, though! I was more than happy to accept what she offered me. 

I looked at her closely and thought that for the first time in my life, I've never felt this connected to another person. When Trevor showed me her picture, I felt some sort of power from her pulling me. Does she feel it, too? I never thought I'd be head over heels with this girl. She's young but she thinks like me. Trevor told me once that she was really picky with how she chose her lovers - she had a certain type that wasn't easily found. 

She was now starting to move and I tried my best to hide my smile from enjoying watching her sleep. She moved a little away from me to stretch and went back to wrapping her arm around my waist. Our bodies have never been this close and I swear, I'd die a happy man knowing that I was able to hold her this way. I heard her groan and now her eyes started to open. She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face which was replaced with a shy smile. God help me! 

"Hey, Gracey...slept well?" I asked as our gazes locked at each other.

"I did sleep well, thanks..." she shifted her gaze to the view that could be seen through the window. "I  wish I could have a view like this forever. It's really nice to wake up to having this kind of view." I felt her gaze on me as she said view. Could that view be me? I wouldn't waking up with you next to me. "I'm sorry if you couldn't sleep too well because of me.."

"No need to be sorry...glad to be of service to my ward." She smiled again. I can tell she was enjoying the way we were talking. I was enjoying it too.

"So, what's going to happen today?" she asked as she propped her hand and rested her head on it.

"Well, grandma and grandpa will be here. A bunch of my cousins, aunts and uncles will be here you better get ready. I must tell you beforehand that they might take you as my girlfriend. They've been asking me to settle down already. I'll be the one to explain what we really are."

She nodded and then stood up to excuse herself to get some bath. I got up, made our bed and got some fresh clothes to change after I take a shower. I wondered how would today be like just looking at her talking with the rest of the clan. She's got a great personality and every one would adore her easily. I know for one that Athena and Mom already liked her. A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom wearing a short white sleeveless dress that looked pretty casual to me. She got a towel wrapped around her hair. Even with a towel around her haid, she still looked cute to me. She didn't care about her looks that much which made me fall for her more.

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