Day 3

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Day 3

Oh great! My alarm just buzzed and didn‘t give a sound at all. The machine must have been broken. It‘s almost nine in the morning. Panic starts to drive my day and I couldnt seem to stop my hands from shaking and my head from aching. I have to get to the office on time. The editorial staff has a meeting and God I shouldn‘t miss it or i am so dead. I didn‘t have time to think about anything else at this moment. My shower was the quickest one that i have ever had in my entire life-it lasted for about 5 minutes only! I quickly put on my mascara, dabbed some tint on my lips and cheeks and got dressed with the simplest dress of all. My hair was tied in a bun; it looked hideous to me but as for the time being it‘ll have to do. Breakfast - i have no other choice but to miss it today. I don‘t want to miss it since I know that he‘s going to make something nice this time.

I wore a pair of ballet flats and i stormed out of my room. I suddenly realized that he wasnt there anymore. There was bag of food left on top of the kitchen counter with a note on it. It said:
Hey there Gracey. Made the buns that you like. Guess you are still so tired so I left earlier. Enjoy my treat and have a good day at work! - Ross.

Wow... just wow. This guy really is doing his job of taking good care of me. Too bad he isn‘t well compensated though.I grabbed the treat and went out of the apartment to hail the fastest cab if ever there was any that existed at that time.

I finally got to the office and was able to be there before the meeting started. Everything went well. I was happy that the cab that took me to work was fast enough and he saved me a lot of time. I was glad to know that all of the articles that I made got approved for publishing. The group was totally going to be less busier now that everything was set for printing but I had a feeling that something was still going to happen that day.

And it did happen. My editor called me in to her office and she asked me about the show that I went to last night.

“Grace, I heard from Amanda that you went to the concert at the park last night. How was it?“ she asked.

“Well, it was kind of interesting. The kids were fantastic when they played“ I responded.

She took a sip from her coffee cup and then rested on the back of her chair and stared at me with a look that i didn‘t sort of like. This could lead to something that was not really good.

“I want you to look for the guest of honor for that show. I want him to be interviewed and be featured on the mag for the anniversary issue“ she said.

My hunch was already correct. At first I didn‘t want to but on second thought it was for the betterment of my job.

“Okay, I‘ll do it. When is it going to be due?“

“Three days later. You have to think about really amazing questions to ask this young man. I heard he is still in the city.“

Yes he is. In fact he‘s living with me in my apartment my subconcious screams. “Yes i heard that too. I‘ll set up an appointment immediately.“

Then that sealed the new assignment that i was going to have. I was going to intetview Ross. The question is if he‘s going to go along and be fine with it.

I had to think about a way to get him to say yes to my request. Should I buy him dinner again? Well that would be too obvious. I might as well tell him straight during dinner.

Later that evening, I was already able to meet Ross. He was cooking something that smelled so heavenly at the kitchen. He waved at me and even winked. I just tried to keep my cool and sit across him from the kitchen counter.

“How was your day at work?“ he asked. I had a strange feeling though. Why do I feel that we look like a young couple living together?

“Uhm.. it was fine. Listen,Ross I got to ask you something...“ here it goes. “Would you give me the honor of interviewing you for our mag?“

At first he just stared at me wide-eyed but then he smiled. “Of course, I‘ll do it! When is it?“

“Tomorrow night. I‘ll buy you anything you want.“ I had to think of something to lure him into doing the interview more.

“That‘s easy. Just go out with me.“
Did I hear him right? Did he just say go out with me?

I bet my facial expression was clear. I had this funny look on my face that told him I was beyond stunned with what he just said but since it was all for my job, I have to do it.

“Fine, I‘ll go out with you.“ I saw an ear-to-ear smile from him and he then handed me my dinner. After that I went to my room and decided to call it day... well sort of.

I had to get my mind working on the questions that I was going to ask him and the deal that we just made a while ago. Why would he want to go out with me? Is he really sending off some signals to me? My mind is so confused right now. How should I deal with this?

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