Prologue~ 1937, The Atlantic Ocean.

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    The girls' stomach lurched as the ship rocked haphazardly from side to side. Though her father was an experienced sailor and had seen the storm coming, that didn't stop the waves from tossing the ship around.
    "Janet." She gasped, her copper eyes widening as she looked at her sister. "Janet, I fear I might be sick."
    "Oh, Clarisa, it is but a light rain." Janet spoke reassuringly, but her own voice was not quite steady as the ship jerked once more. "Come, see, I'll show you." Her black hair curled over her shoulder as she held out her hand to her younger sibling.
    Clarisa hesitated, "Papa said to stay in our room..." She said in a small voice, with a light British accent that reflected her sisters.
    "Clares, he won't have to know." Janet's navy eyes glinted mischievously. 
    "But..." Clarisa glanced around at the tiny room she had stayed in for weeks. Her father's chair danced in the light of the oil lamp, and her mother's knitting lay by the armrest. With a sigh, she took her sister's hand.
As the two sisters quietly treaded the hallways, they saw one of the boys who worked on the ship. Clarisa felt her sisters hand tighten around her own.
    "Evening, Ms. James." The boy said, looking at Janet. Clarisa noticed Janet square her shoulders and stare cooly at the boy. The boy looked at Clarisa saying, "Miss James." No sooner had the boy said this Janet pulled Clarisa swiftly toward the next door, which was the entrance to the ship deck.
   "Jane, what was that about?" Clarisa whispered.
    Her sister didn't reply.

   The wind howled mercilessly. The rain tore at the ship deck, and the waves were getting worse than ever.
    "Janet!" Clarisa cried, "Janet, we should go back inside." Clarisa stood, clutching the railing of the ship.
    "Why? This storm is amazing!" Janet laughed, twirling in the centre of the deck.
    "But, Janet-" Clarisa was cut off as a waved rocked the ship, flooding over the railing and knocking her to the ground. 
    "Clares! Are you okay?" Janet cried, trying to keep her balance,
    "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Clarisa stood, righting herself just as another waved roared up over the side of the ship, causing her to slip and fall again.
But Clarisa didn't hit the ship deck again. 
As the wave roared up and over the boat, Clarisa was struck by the water, sending her falling off the edge of the railing.
    "Clarisa!" Janet screamed, watching her sister rise into the air.

The world went silent as her body smacked the water. 

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