Chapter 32~ Present Day, New York

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Someone screams, and the next thing I know, I'm falling. My chest crashes into the edge of the cement block, knocking the air out of me, and I scramble to hang on.

I realize that the person screaming was Wayne, flying towards Edward, a strangled noise slipping out of his throat. Immediately, Grandfather and his guards descend on the scene, surrounding Edwards body.

As I struggle to pull myself over the edge, a hand lifts me from under my arms and pulls me to my feet. I yelp, arms flailing, but when I look up at the person who helped me, my heart stops.

Tears prick my eyes and I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him close.

"Clares." Kyle sighs, and I can feel his tears as they hit my neck with a slight burn. "Thank God-"

"You're alive!" I laugh, breathing in the scent of him. I pull back, looking him up and down. "Kyle, oh God, what happened?"

His face is covered in bruises and scratches, and one of his lips is split. The rest of his body looks scrawny, and there's a red stain on his shirt.

"Your Dark Angel friends weren't quite so kind to me." He says in contempt.

"Oh, Kyle... I..." I step away, ashamed.

But Kyle immediately pulls me back, wrapping me in a hug again. "I know, Clares. It's okay." He presses his forehead to mine, laughing lightly, "It's over."

Time slows. The world shrinks to us, only us. I've never loved anyone more than Kyle. Never. Closing my eyes, I lean in...

And press my lips to Kyles.

My heart speeds up, and worlds of colour dance before my closed eyes. A stream of sunshine that I know doesn't exist in real life shines down on us, on this moment. This beautiful, perfect, mesmerizing moment. I feel his heart beating through our chests, and my own heart soars as he kisses me back. I sigh against his lips, and he pulls back a little, laughing.

I wrap myself in his arms again, whispering in his ear, "Never let me go."

"Never again." He replies immediately, and I open my eyes, completely content.

I see my Grandfather and John Maddsen standing by Edward, not paying attention to us. I break away from Kyle, running to Grandfather.

As he sees me, relief clouds his face, and I throw myself into his arms, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh, Clarisa. You're okay... Thank God you're okay."

"I'm sorry, I never-" I begin, but he stops me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"It was my fault, Clarisa, I never should have invited him here." His voice grows hateful, and I see rage building in his eyes again. "I never should have invited that... monster to our home. I'm sorry."

I smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek before turning away. I see Kyle and his father embracing, and it warms my heart to see tears in Johns' eyes. They begin to speak in hushed tones, and I turn away, giving them privacy.

"It's over," Grandfather says behind me. He holds out his hand, smiling. "Let's go home."

I take his hand, give it a squeeze, then go over to Kyle.

"Ready to go home?" I ask, smirking.

"Mmh." He hums, looking at me like there was something I don't know.

"What?" I ask.

"Just thinking about that kiss." He says casually, and I feel my cheeks heat. He throws his head back, laughing. "But, yes. Home."


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