Chapter 20~ Present Day, The Blue

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Edward and I had made it back into the ballroom in relative time, and we were dancing together shortly after. We were twirling in a quick waltz and I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

I caught sight of Samantha, standing off to the side, hugging her arms to her sides just as the final waltz ended.

"I'll be back shortly," Edward whispered in my ear before slipping off into the crowd. I tried to keep watch of him, but he was soon lost from my vision as those who were previously not dancing crowded the floor as the dancers evaporated. I turned to where I had seen Sam, but she was also nowhere to be found.

I had to talk to her. To apologize. Something.

I started making my way through the crowded dance floor, looking for her. I exchanged polite small talk with those who I met but stayed no longer than a minute with each. It was clear I was preoccupied.

At last, I saw her. I started pushing my way through the mass of people towards her. Her eyes drifted lazily and uninterestedly over the crowd and paused at mine. I saw her stiffen, before forcefully angling her body away from mine and pulling her head in the same direction.

"Samantha Ross!" I called, but it wasn't my voice. It was Edward's. I had barely opened my mouth. I took note, almost in slow motion, of the slamming of the large wooden doors, the panicked looks of the guests, the focused movement of Samantha's head. "It's your brother!" He yelled urgently, and for a second no one moved. Then, everyone seemed to figure out who 'Samantha Ross' was, and quickly moved out of her way. Samantha's face paled, and I saw her hands reach down to bunch up her dark blue dress before she runs out of the hall.

"Sam! Wait!" I call her, reaching an arm out as if it would stop her. The crowd seemed to have become denser since Edwards outburst, and I practically have to push people to the ground to get through. "Samantha, please!" I yell once in the hall. I look around but see no one. Something tells me to go the to the hospital, so I take off in that direction.

Soon, I see it ahead of me. I almost reach the door when an arm wraps around my waist.

"Hey!" I choke in surprise as I slip from the loss of momentum. I turn to see Edwards colourless eyes filled with concern. "Let go of me." I protest when he doesn't move.

"Claire, wait, please." He begins.

"Sam-" I protest, but he cuts me off, forcing me to sit.

"Needs a minute. More." He sighs, and I've never seen him look more perturbed. "Please."

I nod slowly, and after a few minutes of sitting silently, Nurse Catherine slips quietly out the door. Edward stands, and I follow suit.

"He's asleep." Is all she says, but I see Edward relax.

"Can I...?" I ask, but she shakes her head.

"Give it another hour, at least." She sighs and runs a hand through her messy hair. "She needs time. I'll tell you when." She comprises, leaving the seating area. Edward sits me down again, though he stays standing.

"You'll be okay?" He confirms. I nod numbly, and kisses my forehead before departing, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and my guilt.

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