Chapter 24~ Present Day, The Blue

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There wasn't much to do to 'get ready'. We weren't staying anywhere, so there was no need to pack, and bringing anything would just slow us down. All we could do was to sleep. Flying to Eagleais would be exhausting, even if we weren't flying all the way there. The reason we had to leave so early was so that we could get out of Phoena undetected. For that, we had to fly. Leaving early and flying high would minimize our chances of being spotted. If the townsfolk knew that their King was leaving, it may cause panic. Once we reached the border of Phoena and Eagleais, there would be a chariot waiting to take us the rest of the way to the Northern border.

I could hardly sleep.

I rose early, heading down to the meeting point just before daybreak. I was still blinking sleep from my eyes, but I had never felt more awake. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, heightening my senses.

"You're early, Clarisa," Edward commented with a smile as I arrived.

"As are you, one could say," I smirk, walking up to him.

"One could..." He allowed, placing his hands on my waist. I grin, leaning into him. His solid chest and strong arms were comforting, and I smile at the thought. "How are Sam and Raf?" He asks, suddenly.

"I haven't been able to speak to either of them." I tried to tell Sam I was leaving, but Nurse Catherine would only let me leave a note. "You?" I ask.

"Me neither. They appear to be doing well though." He puzzles, chin resting on the top of my head.

"I should hope so. I wish I could have told them I was going, but-"

"All you could do was leave a note." He chuckles, his chest moving. "Nurse Catherine is strict."

"I suppose..." I say slowly, wondering how he knew what I was going to say. Sure, he could have tried to speak to them as well, but those were my exact words.

"You grandfather is coming." He murmurs, not taking notice of my silence. I decide to ignore the curiosity of the moment, pulling away and turning to see my grandfather coming down the hall. He's smiling, but doesn't mention anything, only walking up, asking,


"It's time to go." I smile at him, trying to assess whether I was prepared for what was to come.

I wasn't.


When the chariot reached the Northern border, and we all piled out, the first thing I noticed was the silence.

It was eerie and clouded over everything like a fog. Unconsciously, I moved closer to Edward.

"What's the plan?" I ask Grandfather, voice echoing in the silence. He looks as startled as I feel, my voice isn't usually so loud.

"Spread out. Look around." He says, looking at everyone in turn. There's ten of us in total, including myself, Edward, Grandfather, John Maddsen, a palace escort, as well as five guards. It's not very many people; we wanted to be discreet. "If you find anything, call it out."

We all nod, heading out in different directions. I feel Edward's hand brush mine, and l look back to see his reassuring smile. I smile back, taking in my surroundings.

The chariot parked beside a small hut, where I know Kyle must have stayed. I turn away, not daring to go over to where he last was; where he lived. The area around the hut is beautiful, golden light streaming through dark patches of forest, a small clearing that he would have been able to see from his window. Besides the clearing is the cliff's edge, leading down into the void. The cliffs face is jagged, and at one place there's a point sticking meters out from the rest. Something draws me over.

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