Chapter 3~ Present Day, Northern Border to The Void.

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Kyle smiled as he saw Kalie fly up to his cabin. He lifted the note and the flower from her talons and grinned as he read the parchment.


Well... today has been chaotic. Samantha's brother arrived, and it was... moving to say the least. I can't wait until you come home. Even with Sam here I still feel lonely. I miss you. I really miss you. I can't even go into the summer garden now, and it's all your fault!

Sorry... It's not your fault. Just because your fathers is head of security at the palace, he had to send you to guard the border.

It's not his fault either. I'm glad that you're okay. Really, really glad.

I miss you,


He quickly scribbled something on a spare piece of parchment, stroking Kalie as he did so.

"Good girl." He whispered, giving her the note. With a caw she took to the air, flying towards the palace. "Only 96 more days." He promised himself.

Then Kalie fell from the sky, an arrow piercing her glowing feathers.

"Kalie!" Kyle shouted, already out the door with my blade. He ran as hard as possible, desperate to get to our phoenix. He and Claire had raised her from a hatchling, and he couldn't lose his only way to keep in touch with her. "Kalie!" Kyle cried again, as he ran into the woods. No, no... please!

He stopped dead as he saw her, on the ground. Then his breath caught in his throat.

There was a man, in a black cloak, leaning over Kalie. Kyle couldn't see his face, but he could see his smile. Anger exploded inside him like thunder in a storm.

"Get away from her!" He roared, extending his wings, uncovering his sword. He started forward, fire blazing in his eyes. "What are you doing? Get away from her!" The stranger turned, blocking Kalie's body with his own.

"Kyle." The stranger's voice was quiet and piercing, and it silenced the blood pounding in Kyle's ears. "Kyle, stop." The stranger took a step toward him, a smile forming on his foreign lips.

"I don't know what you are doing here, but you're trespassing on the ground of His Highness Raymond James." Kyle boomed, stepping closer to the mysterious hooded figure.

"Come now, Kyle Maddsen. Isn't this The Blue? The afterlife? I'm trespassing no more than you are." The man chuckled.

"You have come too close to The Void. Turn around! Go back to the closest city, or your hometown." Kyle reasoned, silently willing the man to leave.

"Come, Kyle, let us be civilized." The hooded figures smile flashed in the gloom. In the blink of an eye, he was up to Kyle, holding a blade to his chest. "Okay?"

"You are breaking the laws of His Highness' Royal court." Kyle gritted his teeth. "Not to mention threatening the son of His Royal Guard."

"Well, of course," The man pulled the blade away. Kyle relaxed, against all logic and instinct. Then, without warning, he threw the dagger, slicing through Kyle's wing.

Kyle roared in agony, running with his blade pointed at his enemy. The hooded figure extended his wings, and lifted Kyle, easily and deftly, bringing him toward the cliff's edge. The void, inky black and merciless, loomed below. Kyle, swinging his blade haphazardly, attacked ferociously, but his opponent matched his moves with grace and agility. Completely outmatched, Kyle was slowly backed towards the outcropping.

"What do you want, you snake?"Kyle gasped, blocking his adversaries swing.

"To rule." He replied smugly, kicking Kyle one step further. Kyle's foot slipped, and he fell backwards into the void.

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