Chapter 18~ Present Day, The Blue

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"You're sure you're okay?" Sam asks me for what feels like the millionth time. We were in her room, and she was getting ready for Grandfathers dinner party later that evening. We still had hours to kill, but Sam was notorious for planning ahead and being extremely early for many things.

"Yes, Sam, I told you before- whatever happened last night was just a huge... "I pause, searching for the right word. I knew what I had seen, but when Grandfather and the guards went back to investigate, there was nothing there. Even my pillow looked untouched. "Nightmare." I decided on finally, sounding resigned.

After I awoke in the hospital, Catherine had called for my Grandfather to come. He and I talked, and I told him what had happened. He told me he believed me but then went on to say that no one had found, seen, or heard, anything when they searched the room. There was no sign of anyone breaking in.

When Edward was questioned, he just said that he came in after hearing Raf's cries. He hardly saw anything but the problem at hand. Which was, admittedly, me.

The thought made my cheeks heat.

"And you're still going to the dinner party?" She asked, and again, it wasn't the first time I was hearing this question.

"Yes, Sam." I sighed. "Nothing about my plans have changed. I'm still going to the dinner party, and I'm still going with-" I cut myself off because my mind cannot process that what I am saying is true.

I'm going with Edward. I tell myself. I have to bite my lip to hide a smile.

"With...?" Sam asks, turning around from the vanity to look at me. When she sees me sitting on her bed, trying not to smile she raises an eyebrow. "Okay, firstly, you look ridiculous, and secondly, you're going to tear a hole in your lip if you keep that up." She scolds, then comes to stand in front of me, arms crossed. "You're still going with Edward, aren't you?"

"Yeah..." I say sheepishly, then look at her sceptically. "What?"

She sighs but comes to sit beside me, "I just... I don't know... I just don't trust him."

"What makes you say that?" I scrunch my eyebrows down, giving her a sidelong glance.

"I told you, I don't know..." She exhales gruffly, lying back on the bed. "It's just..."

"Just what, Sam? Finish your sentences!" I urge her, looking down on her.

"I just find it weird, that's all." She sits up, and looks me in the eye, saying, "One day you're complaining about him; the next you're going to a dance with him? That's... weird. Not to mention how quickly he came to your aid last night when even I couldn't hear Raf's calls."

"Are you blaming him?" I accuse her in disbelief. Edward? That doesn't even make sense!

"Of course not! It's just a little too convenient for me, that's all."

"Maybe he's just looking out for me," I defend, "Besides, have you even talked to Raf? He saw how Edward was concerned for me, and only me in the situation!"

"Stop being so thick-headed, Clarisa!" She stands, now having the height advantage. "Something's up with him, I just know it! He's... he's a creep!"

"He's not a creep!" I yell, standing to match her height. "He's a gentleman that you will not insult any longer!"

She stalls, and realization dawns in her eyes. "You... you care for him!" She gasps, taking an involuntary step backwards.

"I- I do not- So what?" I stutter out, deflecting the question and crossing my arms foolishly, like a child.

"So what?" She gapes, "So what? What about Kyle?" She nearly screams at me, her face turning red in anger, "Kyle, your best friend, who died less than a month ago!"

"Don't you say that!" Tears immediately spring to my eyes, and I feel an odd pang of guilt rake it's way through me. "Don't you ever say that!"

"Why not?" She narrows her eyes at me, speaking with a quiet rage. "It's the truth."

"You know what, Samantha?" I counter, glaring. "You want to know another truth? Your brother is dead." She gasps, but I continue, "You're dead. We're all dead, for God's sake!" I head for the door, walking backwards as I speak. "And you know what? Edward is dead too! We're all dead here, and just because you don't trust him doesn't change the fact that we'll never see family again so we might as well deal with it!" I scream at her, quickly exiting and marching into the hall. Thankfully it's empty, but I spark of anger sneaks it's way down my spine, making me want to punch something.

"I thought you were my family." I hear Samantha say from behind me before her door quietly clicks shut with a sound of resignation.

My breath stutters in my chest and I have to lean against a wall for support.

What did I just do?

I slowly slide down the wall as tears of regret tumble painfully down my cheeks.

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