Chapter 28~ Present Day, New York

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My feet hit the wet pavement, and I look around slowly in the crowded streets. Nothing stands out, nothing indicates somewhere where I should go. It doesn't make sense. Why am I here?

I know I went down into the void to find Kyle, but why did it bring me here? To New York, of all places, the old home that I never arrived to. As I stand there, in the streets, I notice that everyone walks straight through me as if I'm not there. And it makes sense, my interactions with doctors and patients alike in the hospital proves that I'm no more than a shadow here, no more than a ghost.

That is until someone reaches out and pushes me out of their way.

Surprised with the suddenness of it, I stumble backwards, slamming into the wall behind me. That's when my vision goes white, and I feel the ground come out from under me.


Memories flashed through my mind, each mere seconds that felt like years. As each one passed, I felt more and more like I was drowning.

"Clarisa, stop!" Kyle wheezed, clutching his stomach. "Stop, I can't breathe!"

"What?" I asked innocently, turning around in the summer garden. "I'm only dancing."

"It's... Hysterical." He chokes out through his howls. I rolled my eyes and pushed him to the ground, sitting beside him.

"No big deal," I said nonchalantly, shrugging.

Kyle only laughs.


"Let go!" I whined, laughing, as Kyle lifted me up over his shoulder in the summer garden. "Kyle, stop, I'm not that short, I can see!"

"You can't, there's no way you can see the sunset from way down there!" He chuckled.

"Kyle!" I complained through my giggles.


"That's a bad idea!" I warned as Kyle climbed one of the tree branches in the summer garden. "You have wings, you know."

"Where's the fun in that?" He asked, balancing on the edge of a tree branch, leaning forward and back.

"You're going to-" I started, but the branch immediately broke under Kyles' feet and threw him across the garden.

I wasn't able to finish the sentence through my laughter.


"Clares, how did you-?" Kyle choked out through his laughter as we lay on the dirt, covered in mud stains.

"It's your fault!" I wheezed, "You- I-" I cut myself off, howling with laughter.

We had rushed into the summer garden at such a pace that we had both slipped in the mud and thrown ourselves onto the ground.

We could hardly stop laughing


"You know, I don't think it's legal to own a Phoenix in the town of Phoena." Kyle mocked as he saw me with Kalie. "I think there's a bylaw or something about that."

"You're ridiculous," I told him, stroking Kalie's feathers. "And you're also wrong."


"You know, never have I felt more like a child than I do when I'm with you," I tell Kyle, laughing.


"Look at us, Kyle, we're rolling around in a pile of leaves! When was the last time you did that?" I grinned, punching him lightly as he covered me with leaves again.


"You know, Clares, if I hadn't met you, I don't know what I would have done," Kyle confessed, lying down beside me in the summer garden at night. "So, you know, maybe there is fate."

"Seriously?" I asked, looking at him, "You're pulling the 'if I hadn't met you' line in for an argument about fate?" I shook my head, ashamed, "That's low."

"I thought it was worth a shot," He said, and I shoved him, laughing.


"Look, I'm sorry I didn't-" I apologized, but the man I had accidentally bumped into on my way to the summer garden just wouldn't let it go.

"You better watch where you're going, or I swear-" He threatened, towering over me as my back was pressed against the palace wall.

"And you better watch what you're saying, or you're going to be mightily sorry." I heard Kyle say behind him. "Back off,"


"Ace!" Kyle yelled triumphantly, "Ha! Beat that!"

I smirked, my back comfortable against a tree in the summer garden. "Don't be so sure about that," I said, placing a three on top of the pile.

"What! That's- you can't-" He stuttered, flustered.

"President again!" I yelled, grinning.

Kyle pulled me into his lap, tickling my sides as I protest. "You, cheat!" He laughs,


"Kyle, you're being ridiculous, come on!" I protested as I swiped at Kyles hands which were covering my eyes.

"Come on, Clares, please?" Kyle pleaded, still not relinquishing my eyes.

"Fine." I sighed after a brief hesitation. "Fine," I said again.

Kyle lead me forward for a few more steps before he uncovered my eyes.

Set out below me was a pre-made meal lying on a picnic blanket in the summer garden. The sunset made the scenery glow with a golden light, nicely complimenting the candles Kyle has lit there as well.

"Oh, my... Kyle!" I smiled, turning to him. He smiled sheepishly, shrugging.

"Happy Birthday, Clares." He said before I engulfed him in a hug, tears of joy streaming down my face.


"Don't worry about it, Clares. You look beautiful." Kyle assured, standing behind me in the summer garden.

"Of course you'd say that, Kyle." I say, worried, "But.." I cover my face with my hands, "But... what if...?"

Kyle wrapped me in a hug, holding me close, "They won't care what you look like, they're just here to-"

"Judge every aspect of me?" I snapped, anxiety coursing through me. Kyle pulled back, lifting my chin and made me look into his eyes.

"Everything they see will be perfect, I promise you." He said calmly.

"How do you know?"

"Because that's what I see every day."


Images flashed, and I saw something, someone, falling.


I reach out, but all I hear are flashes of words, slowing becoming one sentence and echoing around my mind. Its translation is clear; it's meaning is not.

Navalia hac nocte XVII


When I open my eyes, the night is falling. I stand slowly, my legs weak. I don't know how, but I know where I must go.

And once I find it; I find Kyle.

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