Chapter 23~ Present Day, The Blue

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Samantha had stayed with Raphael for the remainder of the night. After she had told me their tale, I knew I had been wrong about our fight.

"I'm so sorry," I told her over and over again, but she just waved them off, saying it was her fault. But I couldn't let her think that. "No, Sam, really," I said eventually, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I was so, so, so wrong. I said that everyone here is dead, with no regards for you or your past. I really am terribly sorry. You're one of the bravest and liveliest people I know. I love you like a sister, and I should never have said those things. I really am sorry."

She smiled at me through the tears in her eyes that had been ever-present since I arrived. "Thank you, Claire." She had said. "And... I guess even sisters fight, right?" We laughed at that and embraced before I excused myself to let her be alone.

That left me with nothing to do other than to wander the halls, aimlessly. I had just ambled past the library for what seems like the fifth time when Amy came running up to me.

"Oh, miss, I thought I'd find you here!" She rushes, as she always does. Amy was quick, quiet, and completely independent, much like a mouse. She was caring and knew what to do if things went awry. "Miss, it's almost dawn! What on earth are you doing?"


"Well, never mind that," She interrupts me. "Your Grandfather wishes to speak with you. As soon as you can" She says when she sees me open my mouth to ask when. "Is... is everything alright?" She asks, slowing down for once.

"Yes, Amy, I'm fine." I smile at her, though it's strained. "It's Raf I'm worried about... and Sam, too."

"Of course." She concedes, "But, as I'm sure you know, Nurse Catherine is the best around. Raphael will be fine." She smiles at me reassuringly but then turns serious once more. "So, you are going to go see your Grandfather, right?"

"Yes. I'll head over immediately."



"You're... you're going over there?" I ask in disbelief. "To Eagleais? But... The palace-"

"Will be fine. John has left his most trusted guards here. There are almost 300 of them." Grandfather reassured.

He had called me to his office to tell me that he was going to Eagleais tomorrow. That was all there was to it; there was no way I could change his mind. He and John were going to investigate the scene of Kyles... death...

"Are you sure? It seems like a bad idea. Just you and John?" I asked, sceptical.

"No, actually. That was really the main reason I called you here." He says, serious.

"What is it?"

"I... I want you to join me. Tomorrow." He says, quickly, as if rushed.

"Join you? As in... To..." I trail off, stunned. "To Eagleais?"

"Yes, Clarisa." He stands, sighing. "I know things have been hard for you recently. I've... not been gracious enough to spend time with you like a should have. You deserve to go. I know what Kyle meant to you. I understand."

I smile up at him, blinking back tears. "Thank you, Grandfather."

"We leave tomorrow at sunrise. I know it's early, but we need to get to Eagleais to investigate as soon as possible."

"Of course," I say automatically.

"Edward will be accompanying us as well. Along with several other guards. Is that okay with you?" He asks, and I beam at him again.

"Yes, Grandfather, of course, it is!" I laugh, running up to him and hugging him. "Thank you. Really."

He pulls back to look at me. "Go on, then, go get ready. We leave at sunrise."

I smile, leaving his office with a feeling of mixed dread and relief.

I will find out what happened, Kyle. I cannot believe you're dead.

I'll find you.

I promise.


As I exit his office, I notice a presence beside me. I turn and see Edward leaning against the doorway, watching me with an expression of cool disinterest. He smirks as I turn on him, and I can't help but chuckle under my breath with the obscurity of it all.

"Thank you," I say honestly, stepping closer.

"You're welcome." He responds easily, and I feel almost disappointed that he doesn't seem startled or confused. "I figured you should get to go."

This hits me like a punch in the gut, and it takes a second before I nod quickly, saying, "Yeah... As I said, thank you." A feeling of guilt nags at me in the back of my mind, for talking to Edward after I had just made my mental promise to Kyle, but it vanishes as Edward steps forward.

My breath stills as he brushes a lock of golden hair away from my eyes. "As I said," he whispers, parroting my words, "you're welcome."

He leans in, lips pressing against mine. My heart speeds up, but my breathing slows. His hands find my hips as mine tangle their way into his dark hair. I break away and lean my head against his chest, where he holds me for hours or minutes or seconds, I can't be sure.

"You're coming with us, right?" I murmur against his chest, inhaling his scent.

"What else would you expect?" He chuckles, "I'd let you have all the fun on your own?"

I smile, taking in this moment. "Thank-"

"Oh, stop it." He laughs, deep and hearty and pure. My heartstrings tremor at the sound of it. "Go. Get ready. You heard your grandfather."

I grin, shaking my head. "I know. And, really, seriously, I cannot say this enough. Thank-"

"Go! Stop apologizing." He shoos me away, walking backwards before I try to apologize again. "I'll see you in the morning, Claire."

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