Chapter 2~ Present Day, The Blue.

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I blinked in the dawning sun, annoyed that it was already morning. Technically I could stay in bed... it's not like I have anywhere to be... I thought mischievously. Well, then again... I should go see Raphael and Samantha.

Sighing, I got out of bed.

Walking over to my vanity which was, regrettably, covered in vines, I started to tame my tangled mess of blonde curls. My pale skin looked like porcelain, and my copper eyes stood out awfully dark with bags under them. Ew...

I wanted to call for Amy, my lady in waiting but decided that I should let her sleep. Pouring myself a hot bath, I tentatively touched the water. A slight twinge of pain, but that happens with all water. Wincing slightly, I stepped into the bath. Slipping under, I forced myself to forget my dreams from last night. 

Using a peppermint soap, I scrubbed through my hair, trying to untangle the mess. I got out of the bath, shivering. If this is heaven... how can I be cold? Isn't this supposed to be a calm, peaceful place, where all your needs are met, and all your worries are gone? I mused.

That's when I realized that I didn't have a towel. Guess not.


"Sam?" I called, wandering the halls near the library. Where is she? She usually hangs out here... I gasped as a pair of hands reached out from behind and covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice whispered in my ear.

"Come on, Wayne, what are we, twelve?"  I sighed, plucking his hands from my face. I heard him mumble something. Probably yes. Turning, I saw that a brown haired, brown eyed, brown-faced Wayne stood behind me. "Wayne."

"Yeah?" He asked, distracted.

"You have dirt on your face. Again."

"What?" He looks astonished and started rubbing furiously at his nose.

Rolling my eyes, I used the sleeve of my shirt to wipe it off.

"Thanks, C." He said, using the nickname I hated so much.

"Wayne." I groaned, getting impatient.

"Oops... Sorry." He cleared his throat, apparently having rewound to try again. "Thanks, Claire."

"Better." I shook my head, done with this boy. He had already started rambling about... who knows what. "Hey, Wayne?" I interrupted his rant on how the gardeners are completely unfair or something.

"But then- Yeah?" He stops, looking up at me.

"Have you seen Samantha?" I asked, already walking away.

"No... Hey! Where ya' goin'?" He pressed, walking after me.

"I'm going to find Sam." I was getting annoyed now... again. I took a deep breath. "Hey, Wayne, why don't you... go find... uh- Rachel?"

"Who's Rachel?" Wayne scrunched up his nose.

"You know... Rachel!" Was I trying too hard? I think I was trying too hard.

Suddenly, I saw a blessing up ahead. Well, not really. I saw a flash of maroon hair up ahead. I mean- I was certainly glad to finally see Samantha, but I wouldn't consider her a blessing. "Sorry Wayne got to go!" I called as I ran towards my friend.

When I reached Sam, I was smiling like an idiot.

"Who put something in your tea?" She rightfully asked.

"Nothing. I mean- No one." I reached for her hand, finally glad to be away from Wayne. "You have no clue what I had to go through."

"Oh, what?" She groaned.


"Come on Claire, he's not that bad!" She pulled me forward, swinging our hands forwards and back as we walked. "He's just... Adjusting..." She struggled to find the right words. "He's young and, can't you just give him a little credit for wanting an adventure?"

"Young?" I snorted, "He's... What, 15?"

"So? You came here when you were 16, which, I hope I'm not reminding you, isn't much older."

"Yeah, yeah, big deal." I dismissed this with a wave of my free hand. "But you can't excuse his behaviour. He's been here a year."

"And you've been here 80."


"Just give him some credit!"

"Oh, fine!" I sighed, not quite contributing to the conversation now. "He's actually not that bad at all. He's actually kind of funny." I looked down, concentrating on the tiled floor. "And I'm just antagonizing him because I was irked because I couldn't find you!" I took a deep breath.

"Well, you found me now, so let's go to the library." She started walking faster. "We can hang out."

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