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"What were you thinking?!" The small closet shook with the force of two boys jostling around inside, only to have one pin the other against the wall. The elder boy's voice was filled with rage, and the stared at the younger one in fury.

"Look, I'm sorry, I-" The younger boy protests, sounding apologetic.

"Wasn't? Obviously not!" The other boy roared, glaring. "You could have b2NjaXN1cw== him! He was this close-" He holds his fingers mere inches apart, "This close to bW9ydGVtIGVzdA==!"

"RWR3YXJk, I'm sorry-" The younger boy protests again, dark eyes showing sorrow.

"Shut up!" RWR3YXJk yells, slamming his fist into the wall beside the younger boys head. "Just shut up!" RWR3YXJk turns away.

"RWR3YXJk, please, I just... wanted to be like you." The boy looks down. "You promised I could..." He trails off, and tries again, "You said..."

"I know what I said," RWR3YXJk says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And I'm going to keep to that promise. But you almost b2NjaXN1cw== UmFmYWhlbA==, who's c29yb3I=, may I remind you, is Q2xhcmlzYQ== closest friend! Don't you realize how easy it would have been for you to get caught?"

"I know, but I just want to be like you..." The boy pleads, "A VGVuZWJyaXMgYW5nZWx1cw==." His look darkens. "I'm better than this place. I want to go to R2VoZW5uYQ==, I want to do something!"

"I know, V2F5bmU=, I know..." RWR3YXJk comforts. He puts his hand on V2F5bmU= shoulder and smiles wanly. "You'll know when. You're ready, I promise, but now is not the time."

V2F5bmU= looks up at RWR3YXJk, eyes dampening with tears. "How?" He whispers.

RWR3YXJk steps closer to V2F5bmU=, embracing him. "Like I said... You'll know." RWR3YXJk leans down, brushing his lips against V2F5bmU=. "You'll know."

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