Chapter 31~ Present Day, New York

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"And what do you two care?" I demand, staring Edward down.

"I care about The Queen and her wishes," Edward says calmly. "I care about Wayne."

"Wayne?" I ask confused, but then it makes sense. Their partnership, those looks... "You're-?"

"Dating, lovers, whatever you want to call it." He smiles, but at Wayne behind me.

"Surprised, Claire?" Wayne asks devilishly.


"You didn't let me finish." Edward cuts me off. "I care about all those things I said, but most of all, I care about the future."

"The future? A future with a murderous Queen who lets chaos rule?" I challenge.

"How about a Queen so emotionally unstable that she locks herself away in her room at the first sign of death?" He retorts, and my face reddens as I realize he means me. "You're no more than a child, Clarisa." He spits, "How do you expect to rule when at the first sign of death you hide away?"

Anger boils up in me, and I find myself lashing out despite the blade at my neck. "Try to consider that the person who died was my best friend! What would you have done?"

"I would've fought back! I would have found the person who did it and killed them!" He glares at me, but then his eyes lighten with a sort of delight. "Then again, I suppose that would be a bit awkward considering..."

My blood runs cold. "You did it. The arrow, the note, everything. You-" I swallow as rage begins to flow within me. "You killed her. You killed Kalie!" I scream.

"Careful, Clares, you'll cut yourself." Edward mocks joyfully.

"Don't you call me that. Don't you dare." I say lowly, quiet and angry. "Besides, we both know that mere blade can do no harm to me."

"Right you are." He smiles manically as if he feels a change in the air. "And with wonderful timing." He turns, arms spread, and I see the sky open, a golden light shining through the building storm. Thunder sounds as I see a small army of Angels fly through the barrier, led by my Grandfather. Edward turns back to me, eyes vicious. He nods to Wayne, saying, "Ready for the show?"

My heart drops and I let out a quiet screech as Wayne lifts me to the air, and back until he hovers over the wild ocean below.

That, on the other hand, will do some harm.

"Edward!" Grandfather booms, rage dancing in his eyes. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Ah, Raymond! Welcome." He says sardonically, still grinning manically.

"What are you doing?" Grandfather yells.

"The Queen is real, Raymond." Edward says cryptically, "And she wants blood."

"Lies!" Grandfather spits.

I take their moment of distraction to speak to Wayne. "Wayne, please..." I say quietly, getting his attention, "You don't-" I begin desperately, but the blade digging into my neck stops me.

"Understand?" Wayne hisses, malice filling his voice. "I understand far more than you give me credit for, Clarisa." He spits, and I feel tears prick my eyes.

Why had I been so cruel to him?

"I'm more than just a stupid boy. I understand these things." He growls, tightening his grip on me. "I know what love is." He swallows, and I can feel his sorrow through his chest and shaking hands. "And I know what death is..."

"What are you saying?" I say voice terrified.

"I think you know what I mean." He says darkly, "And if Edward weren't to have stopped me, that child would be dead by now."

"Raf." Tears form in my eyes at the thought, and my heart drops. "You're the one who attacked Raf."

"I figured you all deserved to know what it's like to have life taken from you so young." He says bittersweetly as if relishing the memory. The thought makes my stomach churn.

"Wayne..." I say, trying to sympathize. "We do. We all-"

"Know what it's like to be killed for what you believe? For who you love?" He laughs without humour, and I feel his head shaking behind me. "I highly doubt it, Clarisa. You've had your whole life to decide where you stand. Let me have mine."

"Wayne?" Grandfather asks in disbelief, cutting our conversation short. He turns to Edward, his expression filled with sorrow. "This has gone too far, Edward. Stop this now."

Edward begins laughing, dark and menacing and terrifying. "Only you can stop it, Raymond!" He declares, holding his hands out from his body.

"Don't," I say, voice barely over a whisper.

Thunder rumbles in the distance and a wave crashes into the block behind Grandfather. He flinches but keeps his eyes on Edward. "You have one chance, Raymond." Edward dictates again, "Give up your throne, or she sinks."

For the first time, Grandfathers eyes flick to mine. I shake my head, pleading with him. The moment hangs suspended in time, and Edwards' eyes turn on John Maddsen, who's there behind Grandfather leading the soldiers of Angels.

"What say you, John?" Edward sneers at the general, "Lose another child of The Blue to the void?"

"You killed my son," John says, fuming and hurt all at once, " You killed my son and I swear-"

"Enough, Maddsen!" Grandfather booms. John complies. I see him thinking things through in his head, and I pray he'll make the right decision. "What does she want?"

The blood drains from my face and Edward grins. "Eternity. Power. And you. Gone."

Grandfather sighs, and turns to John, saying something I can't hear.

"What?" John repeats in disbelief.

"I said to lower your weapons!" Grandfather roars. Slowly, one by one, the guards do.

"No!" I scream, fighting against Wayne. "Grandfather! Don't!"

"Clarisa..." Wayne and Grandfather say at the same time, Wayne growling, Grandfather saddened.

"Don't do this!" I scream, tears spilling over regardless of my defiance. "You don't have to do this! Don't!"

"Clarisa, what you need to understand is-" Grandfather begins, but I cut him off, no longer able to bear it.

"He's not dead!" I scream, crying. I continue at Grandfathers confused look. "Kyle's not dead! He's still alive!"

And that's when the arrow comes.

Seemingly out of nowhere, it flies strong and true, hitting its target dead in the chest.

Edward falls to the ground.

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