Authors Note/ Acknowledgements

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Okay, so wow.

That happened.

I guess to start off, I'd just like to say that I never, ever imagined that I would write this book, let alone finish it! These past few weeks have been so exciting!

One thing I would like to say is that I realized a bit too late that it may have been a bad decision making the main antagonists gay... You know, that may have come across wrong. But I swear, that was never an intention of mine. I am a wholehearted ally.

Secondly, if you will allow me to brag, this book was two years in the making, 34 chapters, 30,202 words, and 75 pages. So that's pretty awesome. And, by the way, I mean like sheets of paper 'pages', not book pages.

I would also like to thank my friends ScarHunt2017 and alyn92002 for inspiring (and technically forcing) me to finish this book. Thanks to my teacher- you know who you are- for supporting me and reading early drafts of Golden Wings. Special thanks to jdsfhdgk for the awesome cover featured at the beginning of Chapter 1.

But... otherwise, thanks. Thanks so much if you read this all the way through, thanks for reading, thanks for voting... ;)

And finally, let me know if you're interested in a potential sequel... What you just read may have been a preview!

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As always, thanks a million-

<3, kiki2urheart.

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