Chapter 10~ Present Day, The Blue

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It wasn't until I had dove down beneath the clouds that I realized that I had passed the palace and was hovering above the edge of the void.

"You shouldn't run away from your feelings, you know. It only heightens their control over you." I turn, startled, to see Edward hovering behind me. My rage from earlier bubbles up inside me and I glare at him,

"I wasn't running-" I'm interrupted mid-sentence by Edward, as he starts laughing, a dangerous smirk on his lips. Seeing him laugh at me only angers me more, and I fly up to him, glaring into his colourless eyes. "What are you laughing at?"

He stops laughing, but the smirk stays in the same place. "Sorry, you're just really hard to take seriously." He says nonchalantly.

"And whys that?"

"You're just so..." He takes his fingers and holds them an inch apart, moving them up and down. "Small,"

"I am not short! You're just tall!" I accuse him, smacking his chest. He catches my hands and holds them. "Let go," I say, voice steely. He lets go of them with a flourish but continues smirking at me. I huff and fly around him, grinding my teeth together to keep from screaming.

As I suspected, I hear him flying behind me, and soon feel his shadow above.  I ignore him and speed up, resisting the urge to turn around and hit him again.

"Clares." I freeze. Turning slowly in midair, I see Edward floating, head tilted sideways, examining me.

"What did you say?" It seems as if everything has stopped, the wind, the air, my heart.

"What? I said your name." Edward says, staring at me. "I called you Clarisa."

"No..." I say, beginning to hyperventilate. "No... You... You said..." Black spots cloud my vision, and before I can process anything, I feel Edwards arms around me.

"Clarisa!" He sounds far away and everything sounds funny.

"You said..." I can't finish my sentence, and slowly the world fades to black.


I wake in my room, on my bed. My head wasn't pounding, my heart wasn't aching, I felt... Normal. Like nothing had happened.

But everything had happened. Edward, his empty, flat, eyes. They weren't gray, but there wasn't a colour to describe them as. They were just... Blank. I think back to his casual smirk that mocked me as he said... as he said...

But he couldn't have meant it, right? It has to be a coincidence...

I realize how fast my heart is beating, and the shakiness of my arms and legs. How could a snide creep such as Edward Teach have such a grip on my mind? And especially with all that is happening with- with all that is going on.

A knock leads me to the door, and I answer it to see none other than Wayne standing at my door.

"Uh..." I start poetically, "Hi, Wayne... Um... What's up?"

"Hey, C! Er, Claire, I mean. I was wondering..." He trailed off, clearly distracted.

"Wondering?" I continued for him, trying to get him to pay attention to himself and his speech.

"Sorry. I was wondering whether you'd like to come hang out in the summer garden with me and Edward. You know, for fun?" He hedged, smiling. 

I sighed, my chest constricted. I decided I needed to get a message across to Edward, and soon. "Sorry, Wayne. No can do." He looked disappointed, so I continued quickly, "Can I get you to tell Edward something, though?"

He perked up and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, anything, C! I mean... Claire!" He corrected quickly.

"I need you to tell Edward this; Vestri 'expandit ramos suos persequimur a stella. Non est beatus, esse Nos uri."  I said simply, much to Wayne's own confusion.

"Uh, what?" He raises an eyebrow, puzzled. "What does that mean?"

"He'll know." I say simply, "Thanks, Wayne. See you around."

"Bye..." He says slowly, as I close the door.

I sit on my bed, satisfied but choking back tears. 

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