Chapter 8~Present Day, The Blue.

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One week had passed, and I still hid, locked away in my room. I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying not to think. Memories of Kyle jumped in and out of focus, sentences of the conversations we'd had. Sometimes the memories would be too much, and I'd run to the balcony, with a pen and paper in hand, looking to the sky.

But there wouldn't be anyone there. No flash of gold, no shriek or cry as Kalie flew past, just... the sky.

And it would terrify me, so I'd run back to bed, throwing the covers over my body, only to be assaulted by the memories once more.

I can't do this anymore. I told myself for the millionth time. I can't stay locked away. I closed my eyes, willing myself to get up, and get out, but nothing happened.

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door. "Claire?" I recognised Samantha's voice. "Do you mind if we come in?"

I told myself to say that I didn't mind. I needed to talk to someone. But the word that came out was, "Yes."

"Claire, please?"

"Samantha, go away." My voice was speaking of its own accord. I wanted her to come in, I wanted company,  but my mind apparently thought differently.

"Claire-" She starts,

"Sam-" I echo mockingly, with a stab of guilt punching me in the gut. I heard silence outside the door, and I feared I may have gone too far, chasing away my friend who only wants to comfort me, until I hear;

"Come on, Sammy." A new voice said, before the door creaked open, revealing both Samantha and the owner of the new voice- Raphael. I look over at them, not sure what to say, what to do, until Raphael comes and sits on my bed. He was such a small thing, but he had eyes that showed he knew more about this than I previously thought he did. He held Samantha's hand in one of his own, and his other was clenched in a fist. He held it out to me, tucking something small and solid into my palms. I blinked as I opened my hands, revealing a small gold chain necklace with two small feathers metal charms. One was gold, like the chain, and one was silver.

"He made them you know." Sam says, and I look up to see her gazing at her little brother lovingly. I laugh for the first time in ages, and take both of them into my arms, tears streaming down my face.

"Thank you. Thank you both." I say, meaning it. I know that I would never have left my room if it weren't for them.

"You know, there's a reason we came." Sam says, breaking away to look at me. I nod for her to elaborate. "Your grandfather wants to see you. He says that we're receiving a guest from the eastern region, and that he'd like you to meet... Him."

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