Chapter 14~ Present Day, The Blue

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"Are you going?" I ask Sam, looking at her ceiling with worry. Sam had left Raphael with Aunt Jacklyn so that she and I could spend some time together like we used to. The only thing was... I couldn't stop thinking about the dinner party.

"Uh... What?" She responds questioningly, clearly unable to read my mind.

Well, duh... Obviously.

"Sorry... I guess I wasn't voicing my thoughts as clearly as I presumed I was." I roll my eyes at myself. "Are you going to be attending Grandfathers dinner party?" I ask again.

"I wasn't aware there was one." I feel her look at the side of my head in confusion. "How do you know about it?" I see her furrow her eyebrows out of the corner of my eye.

I sigh, debating whether or not to tell her. On one hand, I was the one who had brought it up, but on the other, she clearly thought I despised Edward... Mainly because I had told her so myself. "I..." I begin, still debating. "Edward... Asked me. To be his..." I trail off, and Sam looks at me like I'm stupid for not deciding to finish my sentence.

"His...?" She asks with annoyance.

"Date," I say lowly, sitting up to turn away from her, my face growing red with embarrassment.

"What?" She nearly yells, and I almost repeat what I said when she continues, "But I thought... And you-"

"I know!" I groan, throwing my head back in the process. "I mean, I don't know!"

"But... He just asked you, right?" She starts, looking at me expectantly. "You said no, right?"

"Umm..." I begin chewing on my lip, not knowing what to say. "Not exactly... Well, yes... But... No...?" I wince as I admit the truth.

"You said yes?" She covers her mouth, gasping.

"Kind of? I don't know!" I whine, running my hands through my copper hair in frustration. "I said no, then he apologized, then I said yes, but I don't know why, and I don't know if I regret it or if I even want to go, but everyone is expected to attend, so that's why I asked if you're going, because I don't want to go alone, or even at all, but I also kind of want to, but he's so... And I'm... Like I said, I don't know!" I finish my rant lamely and out of breath.

Do I want to go? No. Do I want to go with Edward? No.


I do.

"So, back to my original point," I say, knocking Sam out of her state of shock. "Are you going?"

"Well-" She begins but is interrupted by a knock on the door. She stands and opens it and I'm surprised to see Wayne standing in the doorway.

"Uh... Hey, Clarisa... I- I thought I'd find you here." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What's up, Wayne?" Sam asks gently, startling him slightly.

He mutters a quiet, 'Hey...' Before turning back to me. "So... Claire? Uh, I guess you could say that Edward sent me..."

"For?" I ask, standing.

"He wanted me to tell you, 'Doleo. Tantum sub occasum solis in occursum mihi. Caeditur et exarsi stellae lucis.'." He says, completely butchering the pronunciation.

I stare at him in shock before numbly nodding, "Yeah... Sure..."

He leaves, and a feeling of excitement begins to brew inside me.

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