Chapter 13~ Present Day, The Blue

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Somehow, Edward managed to convince me to take a walk with him, so here I was, walking through the awkwardly silent halls with my new pal, Edward.

Oh, joy. Oh, bliss.

We walked silently, not speaking, just winding through the halls. I noticed he was leading us to the gardens, and I swiftly changed directions, making him follow me.

Not going to happen, bud.

I cross my arms over my chest and huff, already wanting to retreat back to the quiet of my room. Edward takes no notice, walking with his hands linked behind his back, strolling casually. Just as I open my mouth to ask he what he wants, he speaks.

"I expect you've heard of the dinner party your Grandfather is throwing in a few days time." He says abruptly, almost causing me to jump.

"It's not a dinner party." I say diplomatically, trying to contain my annoyance. "It's a gathering of the hierarchy of the cities of The Blue to figure out what to do with the upcoming threat of war between the cities and the 'Dark Angels'." I look at him, expecting him to be... Something. Express any sign of emotion towards my correction of his naïve assumption. Instead... Nothing. No annoyance at my correcting him, no appreciation as I enlightened him, no embarrassment of being incorrect. Just a blank slate, no feeling in his colourless eyes. It's quite confusing, really.

"Right." He says after a beat, and I stare at him. Right? Right?! What does he mean, 'right'? "But," he starts, and I raise my eyebrows incredulously. What more is there to say? "It is also a formal event that each resident of the Royal Palace is expected to attend." He speaks smoothly, somehow speaking as if this conversation was planned without sounding monotoned.

"And...?" I say, urging him to get to the point.

"And..." He begins, and I feel his hand brush mine. I quickly pull away, a shiver rolling down my spine. Why? I think, rubbing the spot our hands touched. "Seeing as this is a formal event, one could expect that a date would be required." My breath stops, but I continue walking. "Clarisa..." He begins, and I feel a lump of dread situate itself in my chest. But I notice something else too... Something other than dread... Something-

"Will you do me the honour of attending this historic event with me?" He asks, laying a hand on my shoulder as we walk. I shiver at his touch, before angrily throwing his hand off. He stops, and I turn on him, anger boiling in my blood. I take a step towards him, my now clenched fists shaking at my sides.

"You do realize that you just asked me to be your date at the event that is a direct result of my closest friend's death, right?" I demand, stepping closer to him. "You do realize that this event is not only a historic event but also a ceremony to mourn the loss of said closest friends death, right?" My pitch raises, and Edward takes a step back, his raised eyebrows being the only sign of emotion on his face. "And you do realize that even if this event were not what it is, I would still have absolutely no-"

"Alright." He cuts me off smoothly, and I stare at him, open-mouthed like a fish. "I understand, Clarisa James. I overstepped my boundaries." I continue to gape at him, at an utter loss for words. "I apologize." He bows, taking my limp hand in his and brushing his lips against it.

As soon as he does so, all of my previous rage dissipates instantaneously. I'm left standing there shocked, with a blank mind, as I try to recall my earlier thoughts. I watch numbly as Edward nods to me solemnly before walking away, leaving me alone with my thoughts, lost and confused.

What the...

That was easy, I suppose.

But... Then why is he leaving?

"Edward!" I quickly call before he rounds the corner. He looks back at me, surprised. "I'm sorry," I say earnestly. "I didn't mean to- or rather, I misunderstood-" I stop, seeing the confusion in his eyes. "What I'm saying is... Yes. I'll go with you."

A smile springs to his face, lighting it up instantly. "Wonderful!" He grins, "I'll... See you then." He says happily.

"Of course!" I say before we part ways. Him to his quarters, me to mine.

Although I'm glad I'll be attending with Edward, I do feel as though...

But, no. That's impossible.

Edward and I are on good terms now. And that's all that matters.

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