Epilogue~ Present Day, Atlantic Ocean

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The boy's eyes stung with tears as he flew over the ocean, away from the one thing he knew to be true. Few tears fell down his eyes and into the water below, but he kept most tears to himself, willing himself to be strong.

In his hands, a bloodied feather as dark as a crow, and a blood-red pendant on an ebony string. The pendent dug into his fist, the sharp end of the bullet pressed so tight to his palm it nearly drew blood.

As Wayne Rejicio flew over the Atlantic Ocean, all he could think of was what he left behind.

Who he left behind.

He had left his family, he had left Cameron, and now he had left Edward.

Edward, his one joy in this purgatory called life. Edward, with dark hair and laughing eyes. And all because of Kyle.

"Take these." Edward had said desperately, holding out the objects. "Take them. You know where. You know how." Edward had held him close then, if only for a second, but it was then that Wayne knew.

"I promise," Wayne said, knowing he didn't need to say what.

And as Wayne flew away from that place, away from that horrid place, from Edward, from Kyle, from Clarisa, he promised. He promised he wouldn't leave him like he left Cameron. He promised he wouldn't forget him.

He promised to bring him back.

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