Chapter 19~ Present Day, The Blue

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"You look wonderful..." Wayne greeted me, breathless as Edward and I entered the dining hall. For once he had bothered to clean up, combed his hair, even washed his face. He was wearing a clean white shirt, with darker pants. He didn't look... dirty, in fact, he almost looked attractive.

"Thank you, Wayne," Edward responded for me before I could even open my mouth. I looked at him, in his dark suit, and raised an eyebrow. He led me away then, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "I know how much you despise him."

I scoffed, taken aback. "I don't despise him... I just..." I trail off, sighing.

So I didn't like Wayne. Big deal. He's just one of those kids, you know? There's just something about him that... irks me. Maybe he's too energetic. Too accepting, too dirty. There's something there that there's just a little too much of.

"Look, he's a nice kid. He's just... not my cup of tea." I finish, still looking at Edward.

"Mr Wayne Rejicio isn't 'your cup of tea'?" Edward mocked, bumping my shoulder lightly.

"Rejicio?" I wrinkle my nose in distaste. "That's his last name?"

"Yeah, you didn't know that?" He inquires.

"No, of course not." I chuckle. "And you know that because...?"

"He and I talk, sometimes." He says casually and smoothly, but I get the sense that he's shutting down the conversation.

"What?" I ask, "What is it?"

"Hmm?" Edward turns to look at me, and shrugs nonchalantly, saying, "Oh, nothing. I was just looking for one of the lads from Eagleais. Thought he'd be here."

"Speaking of which," I tilt my head to look at him. "I don't believe Grandfather ever told me your purpose here..."

"I-" He begins, but the clinking of a glass cuts him off.

"Excuse me! Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen." Grandfather calls from the front of the room. He stands behind a long table where I see the leaders of Eagleais, Memian, Cerberis, Centaurus, all seated with Grandfather, standing, in the middle. "Thank you for attending this meeting as I've called upon you today." He paused, almost seeming hesitant to continue. But he did, sombrely saying, "As many of you may have heard, our home has been threatened. Threatened to war, and at the price..." He took a deep breath and proceeded a moment later. "Of the death of Kyle Maddsen, the son of our Royal Guard Head, John Maddsen."

The crowd remained quiet for a moment, and I felt my heart stifle, then stop. Grandfather took a shaky breath before saying, "John... my dearest friend, I- as well as many, many of our citizens- mourn your son's death and... and hope that he be avenged so that we may be at peace once again."

It was too much. I turned away, hugging my arms to my body and gasping.

I blink away tears, and see Edward move in front of me and crouch down to meet my eye level."Clarisa?" He asks, and I turn away and rub my hands over my eyes to dry them. "Clarisa, look at me."

"I'm fine." I choke, trying to turn away only to have him block me again.

"Come on," He urges, placing a gentle hand on the small of my back.

"I'm-" I protest, but soon quiet as he leads me out into the hall. As soon as the large door booms shut behind us, I immediately back a few meters away from him, covering my face and trying not to choke on the tears.

"Claire, what's wrong?" I feel his presence behind me before I feel his hand on my back again.

"I- I..." I stutter, stepping away from him once again. "I just... I was just close to..."

"To Kyle?" He asks gently.

"I... Yeah." I give up, and let the tears fall down my face, turning into Edward and holding onto him for dear life. "I'm sorry..." I sniffle into his chest, "I... I don't usually..."

"Hey... Hey, it's okay." I can hear the smile in his voice. "Don't worry about it."

"No, no..." I wipe my face again, stepping away. "First I start freaking out in front of a crowd, then I force you to leave an event you're obviously happy to attend, and then I cry all over your suit? I've ruined your night!"

"No, of course not!" Edward smiles and moves closer subtly. "Whoever said I was 'desperate' to attend in the first place?"

"Well, I just assumed..." I trail off, becoming increasingly aware of Edwards proximity to me. "Sorry..." I stutter out breathily, eyes drawn to Edwards' lips.

We've kissed before...

Just as soon as the thought crosses my mind, Edward leans in. Our lips brush, and I gasp at the touch. The kiss quickly deepens, then intensifies, and I wrap my arms around Edwards' neck. One of his hands finds the small of my back, while the other one goes to my hair.

"You keep apologizing." Edward chuckles when we part.

"Well-" I protest, but he cuts me off with another quick kiss.

"I like it. You get all cute when you're flustered." He smirks, pulling me close. I open my mouth to say something but pause when I see him looking not at me, but at something over my shoulder in the distance.

"Edward?" I ask cautiously, slowly turning. I see nothing, and look back at him confused and with an unexplainable sense of dread. "Is...?"

"Yes, of course." He responds after only a second, "Everythings... Everything's fine."

He was lying. I knew it. Edward never, ever hesitated. His responses were clean cut, smooth, charismatic. I stuttered, he spoke with confidence.

"What's wrong?" I urge, trying to meet his eyes.

He finally looks at me, and smiles, "Nothing." He says, kissing me again. I let myself linger in the moment of it before returning to look at him.

"You sure?"

He smiles, something that warms my heart and cools the pit of dread in my stomach, and says, "Positive."

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