Looking Forward, Looking Back

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He held her hands, palm to palm, their fingers intertwined, as she sat there inside the room of the child they shall never have. Looking at the baby shoes that shall never be worn. The crib that shall never cradle, a precious bundle, a product of their love.

Tightly he held her as she whimpered and cried, silent tears, rushing down her cheeks.

Her nose she buried, in the crook of his neck, until she tasted, salty tears, leaking down his own cheek.

"Pa, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Shhhh...We're okay. We're going to be okay. I promise."

"How could you forgive me when I couldn't forgive myself?"

"Because I love you. And it isn't your fault. Maybe, Athena," his voiced cracked, "urghmmm.. maybe it's not yet her time to be a part of this world. Perhaps in another universe, in another time, she will be."

"Why would God give us something so beautiful if he will only take her away?"

"I don't know. I don't understand a lot of things. But one thing is for sure, you have me. You have us. We have each other."

"It has to be enough. For now."

"Hold me tight, Pa. Don't ever let me go, please."

"I won't."



She held on to his hand, palm to palm, their fingers intertwined.

"Sieg, please come home. It's your mom's birthday. She wants to see you."

"Yes, dad. I'll try, but I can't promise you anything. I'll need to ask permission from the captain."

"Son, it's been 5 years. We miss you."

"I know dad. I miss you, too, and Mom. But this is the path I have chosen. And you taught me to always fight for what I believe in. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted for me."

"I understand son. I love you."

"Your mom wants to speak with you."

"I can't dad. I'm sorry. Just. Just tell her I love her. Bye."

Looking at his wife, whose eyes reflect the agony, of a mother who lives in constant fear, for the life of the child she bore nine months inside her womb.

"Ma, I'm sorry. He didn't want to..."

Tears brimmed out and leaked from her eyes.

"What have I ever done wrong, Pa? Why has my children abandoned me?"

"They didn't Ma. You've brought them up really well. They are children you could be proud of."

"Why did they ever grow? Why can't they stay as they were? Clingy. Crying without me," she despaired.

"Why can't he fight for his beliefs within the bounds of the law? I told you Pa, we shouldn't have let him study in UP."

"Now my son isn't my son anymore. I bore him but he doesn't belong to me." (ibid)

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