Luna Crescendo - New Moon

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January 11, 1990

All Richard ever wanted in his seven years of existence is a dog.

Almost all his friends have dogs they walk in the park and play with and he wanted one too. He wanted to have the greatest best friend too.

But he has weak lungs, Papa would always say, the possible allergens coming from the dog is a serious health risk for him.

Richard might have weak lungs, but he has a stronger determination to have that dog. Everytime he gets asked what he wants for his birthday, his answer is consistent every year – he wants a dog.

There are times when he thinks that maybe his parents are finally considering his one great wish. The past months he will sometimes see Mama and Papa silently arguing which always end up with his Mama crying and his Papa walking out of the room.

In his simple mind, he thinks that maybe Papa is trying to convince Mama to finally get him that dog, but Papa just won't budge. He really can't think of any other reason for them to argue anyway.

Then Papa started going away for long days, sometimes it spans weeks when he won't go home at all. But he would call, he will always call. And Papa promised that he will be home for Richard's birthday.

And Papa kept his promise.

The sky was almost black, the moon was nowhere in sight. And Richard, like he does every night, is waiting by the third step of the stairs leading to the door.

Papa was still a few meters away but Richard already knew that it is him. He cannot mistake the stance and gait of his own father. And from where he was perched, he can see Papa carrying a bundle wrapped in a pink cloth.

Richard was jumped up in excitement and ran towards his father.

He is finally getting that dog, he thought.

When he took a peek at the bundle in his father arms, he was taken aback. It was not a dog.

It was a small human, just like him, but tinier.

The tiny human was sleeping; it gave this cute little yawn as if putting a show to anyone who is looking. The tiny human must have felt that she had an audience so she slowly opened her eyes.

As if in trance, Richard slowly reached out to touch her. When their eyes met, he finally understood why that night is moonless.

All the light of the moon is now shining from her eyes.

He was captivated.


April 15, 1995

Contagious childish giggles can be heard all over the Madrigal house.

"Menggay! Stop running around, you might slip and fall!"

Nicomaine has grown up to be a very bubbly and energetic young lady. At an early age, she has already started to manifest an unadulterated classic beauty. You can already see it in her still developing features.

One could stare endlessly at her eyes and get lost forever. Richard still believes that whenever the moon is absent from the skies, it has taken refuge in her eyes. Staring into her eyes is one of her favorite hobby.

Maine is this precious and fragile little girl that every around her can't help but feel protective of.

But no one is more protective of her other than Richard. If he needs to be with her 24/7 just to make sure that she is ok, he would be.

Her wants, her needs, her everything take the highest priority for him.

At a young age, Richard is already sure that he will willingly give up his life for this bubbly little girl who is currently tugging at his hand.

"Papa?" her lilting voice asked.

Maine would always look for their father. She is a daddy's girl that kid. While growing up, their father would always dote on her.

Who won't want to dote on this sweet little girl though.

"Papa just went out; he will be back soon."

But he really does not when that soon is going to be. Papa went away again, this time without telling when he would be back.

"Ok. Pay? Tea time?"

And with her toothy grin, Maine handed him a teacup and maneuvered him to sit in a chair that is too small for him. It's not the most comfortable place in the world, but who cares? As long as the little girl in front of her keeps smiling, to hell with being uncomfortable.

For Nicomaine, he will do everything.


February 19, 2000

Papa came back on another moonless night.

Richard did not know that his father is back. He was with Nicomaine and just finished singing her to sleep. She's been having on and off fever the past couple of night which made her cling to him even more. She always request every night for him to sing to her.

As he made his way out of Nicomaine' s room, he did not mean to overhear their conversation.

They were arguing again. This time it's about Nicomaine.

He heard his mother's voice first. It was so soft but tinged with cold indifference "We need to separate them."

"But she's making Richard happy."

Yes Papa, you tell her.

"That's exactly why we need to separate them. Richard's fascination with her is bordering obsession. It's dangerous. And Maine is starting to reciprocate. We can't let this go on any further. Do something about it."

"Richard is going to college soon, he will be away most of the time. I think that is enough distance. We just can't send her away Rosario, she's our daughter too"

Richard stayed hidden in the shadows while listening in to his parents' conversation. He is trying to keep this brewing panic at bay. Just the idea of being separated from Nicomaine is sending daggers straight to his heart.

He was about to interrupt when he heard his mother talk again, but now her voice is already harboring cold hatred.

"No, Ricardo. She's not. I never saw her as my daughter."

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