Chapter 34

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"You're here."

He said the words delicately, as if by uttering them a decimal higher he would make me disappear forever.
Until this second, I had never realised how much I missed his voice. I could remember the way his voice told you everything he was feeling inside, without him actually saying it.

And it was tranquil, so very tranquil.

"I am."

I stared solemnly into his hazel eyes and let another tear trickle down.

"What the hell is going on here?"

And back to the moment the bad guy was about to possibly kill us.

"A reunion, I believe." said a smirking bulky girl with spiky orange hair.

I quickly wiped off my tears and fixed my expression - intending to look as strong as possible.

"Ah, I see." X started walking towards me and I involuntarily shivered.

He stopped when he was barely a foot away and I could almost smell the smoke off of his jacket, "And who are you, may I ask?"

Deep breaths, Amelia.



You can do this.

"I'm Amelia Lockwood, daughter of  Stella and Rob Lockwood and descendant the Lockwood empire." I needed to think of a plan, something to help me stall them for long enough for Declan to call for backup.

And then, like a bolt of lightning - it struck me.

"I know the location to the Jewel of Lockwood." I said confidently, making X smile widely.

"It's been passed down in our family for ages, I can give it to you if you want-" X's face lit up like the Christmas trees outside, "-but on one condition."

"What?" He asked.

"After you find it, I want my cut." I smirked slyly and stretched my arm out to seal the deal.

"Deal." X joined in with his own smirk, shaking my hand.

I could see Sebastian's baffled face behind me. I could feel the fear, confusion and a mix of emotions stirring in his system.

Two emotions weren't present, though.

Anger and doubt.

This made me very happy.

"So, what do you know, little missy?" I felt slight anger bubble through in Sebastian at the nickname. I assumed it was something he did pretty often.

"Let's go outside, all of us. Let him stay here." I sent a repulsed look towards Sebastian.

Honestly, what I had said did not make the slightest bit of sense. Yet somehow, I was hoping they'd just be dumb enough to buy it. After all, they didn't ask any questions about how I got here or my connection to Sebastian.

Guess they're just all for the money.

And I guessed right.

"Yeah, come on, let's get into the alley."

Once we were all out and into the alley, I walked upto the entrance and closed the door, catching a glimpse of Declan signalling backup while Gabriel and Charlotte tried to unite Sebastian's chains.

"Well, the area is about ninety miles away from here..." I started rambling, this was a talent of mine, I could make stories on the spot and keep adding on to them. It was probably because my ADHD, but at times like these it was very useful.

"...and South-West Ohio..." I had no idea of what I was saying at this point.

"...the coast-" my words were cut-off by the sound of a loud scream inside the building.

That wouldn't have been a problem, if it weren't a lady's scream.

Maybe we can convince them that Sebastian is secretly a girl. After all, they're pretty dumb-

"She tricked us!"

Oh, so now you choose to be smart, huh.


Some of our battles are fought best,
When skills and trust are put to test.

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