Chapter 16

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For a second, I stood there with my jaw on the floor, forever agape in utter bewilderment.

What just happened?

Asked monologue.

I dunno.

Answered monologue.

What DO we know?



That's exactly what I did.

I threw my bag off my burdened shoulders, allowing it to fall into the damp, cement ground.
I didn't care about how precious it was at that moment, I didn't think of all my needs at that moment and I didn't know if I'd ever see it again after that moment.

My mind knew of only one thing.

One word, three letters and one syllable.


I ran, allowing my legs to gain the needed momentum to chase.

I chased the darkness in front of my eyes. My focus was solitary, laying completely on the faint bit of brightness emerging from my target's torch. I cut through the wind that struck my face, relishing the power that came with speed. Closing my eyes, I allowed my senses to completely takeover my sprint and felt my target come closer.


A pair of hazel eyes, looking into mine.


Plump, pink lips forming a sincere smile.


The same eyes holding an illegible  emotion.


A face my heart aches to see again.



I immediately held on to whatever I had collided into with all the force I could muster, panting rapidly and gasping for air as I did so.

We have asthma, Amelia! Why did we run?

It's okay, though. There's always our inhaler.

Umm.. Amelia?


Where's the inhaler?

In our bag.

Where's our bag?



Funny how things start and end at the same word sometimes.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the woman in front of me who was now being held with her hands at her back by the officer. I suddenly noticed my unwavering grip on her leather jacket and immediately withdrew my hand.

The same hand that I now bought to my chest in attempt to gain some air within my deprived lungs.

"Amelia, dear, are you okay?" Asked Gabriel's worried voice.

"Here, do you need this?"

My inhaler was placed into my free, jobless hand.


I screamed inside, talking fast whiffs of the wonderful medicine in my hands.

Wait. How did she get this?

"Oh, and honey.. here's your bag."

Oh, that's how.

After thanking the heavens for whoever might be responsible for the air now once again filling my lungs, I mumbled a soft thanks to Gabriel and focused on the catch of the day.

"Name?" the officer enquired as he tightened the handcuffs around her wrists.



Words are blocks that build a mind,
Yet, some are often left behind.

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