Chapter Three

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Oh, how I love extended homeroom time. Got these two chapters done and ended chapter four before bed. Life is good. :)

This one's a bit shorter, but it began and ended in nice places, so it works. Sometimes shorter can be better.



"So," Jessie turned to look up at the old factory that had been on the report. "Is this where . . . whatever's going on is?"

"Yeah," Darcy nodded, then groaned at Jane's annoyed face. "Come on, this is exciting! Look, the intern is excited!"

"Ian," the young man gave his name.

"Last name?" Jessie asked him.

"Boothby," he answered, blinking.

"Nice to meet you, Ian Boothby," Jessie nodded.

"Do you want the phase meter?" Darcy asked Jane.

"No," she said in a clipped voice, heading for the factory.

"Bring the phase meter," Darcy told Ian, tossing her keys at him. "The toaster looking thing."

"I know what the phase meter is," Ian grumbled, turning to the car.

Jessie shook her head and walked after Jane, only to stop when a ringtone went off. She looked down at her phone, then saw Jane groan and take out her phone. "How do I change the ringtone on this thing?"

"An astrophysicist with three degrees should be able to change her own ringtone," Darcy pointed out.

Jane scowled at her and held her phone up to her ear. "Why are you calling me?"

"I didn't want to shout." Darcy turned to Ian as he came up behind her. "Intern, the entrance is this way."

"Ian," he insisted as they headed for it. "My name's Ian."

Jessie and Jane took the lead into the building, only for Jessie to whip out her gun when she heard movement. "I am not getting stabbed in the name of science," Darcy shook her head rapidly, holding up her hands. "It's OK! We're Americans!" she shouted.

"Is that supposed to make them like us?" Jane asked in irritation.

"Come on out!" Jessie shouted. "Come on!"

"Make it go away!" a young kid's voice whispered.

"Shh!" another voice hissed.

"Hello?" Jessie insisted.

Three young kids suddenly came out of hiding, and Jessie quickly holstered her gun. "Oh, they're kids," Jane put a hand to her heart.

"Are you the police?" the little girl asked.

"Something like that, yeah," Jessie nodded. "These three are scientists."

"Well, I am," Jane shrugged.

"Thanks," Darcy hissed.

"We just found it," one of the boys pointed behind him.

"Found what?" Jessie asked, walking forward. "Can you show us?"

The kids headed further into the warehouse, pausing by a truck. One of the boys touched it, then used two fingers and pushed upwards. Everyone stared as the truck floated into the air. "That doesn't seem rigged," Darcy managed to say.

"Have you seen this before?" Jane asked Jessie.

"I'd need to see the cause of it first," Jessie tilted her head. "But, it's not the weirdest thing I've seen before."

Turning The Tides (Prequel to The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now