Chapter Eleven

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I just realized the closer I get to finishing a Marvel movie, the shorter my chapters get . . . 


Oh, well. Basically a filler. I stopped in a nasty spot. Meh. I'll try for better next time.



"I really don't mean to be a spoilsport, but what are the legit chances of us getting out of here alive?"

"Seriously? That's what you're going to concentrate on?"

"Well, excuse me for being worried when I'm about to go into battle for the first time!"

"Please don't tell me we're actually having this conversation right now, Icicle?"

"Will you two stop talking?!" Steve interrupted the two girls.

Pause. "Sorry."

Clint snickered as he looked at Saleen. "You're sure you and Jessie aren't sisters?"

"Pretty sure," she nodded. "For one, I sure as hell haven't done anything to deserve having an Asgardian guard dog."

Natasha snorted. "Well, can't argue with you there."

"And I also wasn't - "

"Don't go there," Jessie cut in.

"Sorry, Vertigo."

"Do you two always talk this much?" Tony grumbled.

"Only when we're nervous."



"That's your cue to stop talking."

" . . . sorry."

A sudden rumbling under their feet made all three agents stop and look around. "Guessing that's not an earthquake," Clint muttered.

"It's the portal," Thor said over the comms. "It's opening."

"Where?" Bruce asked.

"Well, Loki likes his entrances," Tony said. "He tried the Tower last time. That didn't go so well for him."

"Think he's going to go bigger?" Coulson's voice suddenly cut in.

"How much bigger can he go than Avengers Tower?" Skye wondered.

Saleen paused. "Hey guys . . . anyone ever read the Percy Jackson series?"

Another large pause. "You don't think," Jessie began.

"Try the Empire State Building," Saleen looked up.

"On our - " Tony cut off. "HOLY SHIT!"

Everyone spun around and looked up to see the portal to space open in the sky above the Empire State Building, and Leviathans started pouring out immediately. "Oh, here we go," Saleen clenched her fists.

"Girls, do what you have to do to survive," Steve ordered. "Bring those things down!"

The Hulk's roar echoed across Manhattan as the two assassins and Saleen ran down the streets, seeing Thor's lightning streak across the sky as Chitauri poured from the portal, Frost Giants slamming down into the ground as they appeared. "Round two, here we go," Natasha rolled out the kinks in her neck before launching forward.

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